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Shock thread dimension for CAD modeling

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2023 1:34 am
by flurmaster
Hello all!

I am new to this forum and would like to ask the hive mind: what are the thread dimensions on the top of the shock body and respectively the inside of the cap?
Talking about the grey PTFE coated shocks like #6433 for example, found on the RC10 Team Car.
I am designing a CAD model and would of course like to go with accurate dimensions and sizes. I did check numerical and came up with UNEF 1/2-28tpi.
However, when I double checked with a thread gauge, 30tpi seemed to be a better fit. But 1/2-30tpi seems to be an uncommon thread size.

So, I am unsure what I am looking at now. I also am located in Europe, so there are no nice hardware stores around that carry UNEF/UNS hardware to check.. I can't just hit up a McMaster-Carr and try a nut or bolt :|

The forums search function did also not return any result, sorry if this has been already answered somewhere and I am just too stupid to find it :P

Many thanks in advance!