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Hello from FL

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 2:38 pm
by BullsFan
Hello all,

New member from FL, Gulf Coast side. Thank you for allowing me to re-educate myself into the hobby. Long story bearable, I got into this hobby like probably most of you as a kid and got into racing quickly. I did this up to college time and then left the hobby, probably lack of time and money, LOL. Now some 30 years later I'm back and re-learning all the changes from the old days of brushed stock and modified motors and NiCd batteries to brushless and LiPo, crazy how thing progress. Anyway, the main reason I joined is my parents unearthed my old RC10T3 from storage, needless to say it needed some assistance (this was the last car I had, most of the others got sold apparently?). If I could get pointed in the right direction(s) for help with this truck it would be greatly appreciated. I'd like to get it running again, my local hobby store doesn't sell TA parts, some crisscross, but I have been subjected to scowering the interwebs. I hope that I can get some quality help from the experts here as I hope not to have to get rid of her. Thank you all and nice to be here. :D

Re: Hello from FL

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 2:48 pm
by Frankentruck
Welcome. So what's wrong with your T3? You kno, you just need to go ahead and start adding pics. It's inevitable.

Re: Hello from FL

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 2:52 pm
by Y'ernat Al
Welcome. I'm kinda new here too of late, given I spend time in and out of this hobby. Can't say enough good things about this site and the folks on it. One recommendation I'd have for you is to take advantage of Google search power and bot experience, since putting "T3" in the search engine here isn't going to get you anywhere, but into google, try:

Rc10 T3

And you will fall down a multitude of holes...

Re: Hello from FL

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2023 10:36 pm
by JosephS
BullsFan wrote: Wed Jun 21, 2023 2:38 pm Hello all,

New member from FL, Gulf Coast side. Thank you for allowing me to re-educate myself into the hobby. Long story bearable, I got into this hobby like probably most of you as a kid and got into racing quickly. I did this up to college time and then left the hobby, probably lack of time and money, LOL. Now some 30 years later I'm back and re-learning all the changes from the old days of brushed stock and modified motors and NiCd batteries to brushless and LiPo, crazy how thing progress. Anyway, the main reason I joined is my parents unearthed my old RC10T3 from storage, needless to say it needed some assistance (this was the last car I had, most of the others got sold apparently?). If I could get pointed in the right direction(s) for help with this truck it would be greatly appreciated. I'd like to get it running again, my local hobby store doesn't sell TA parts, some crisscross, but I have been subjected to scowering the interwebs. I hope that I can get some quality help from the experts here as I hope not to have to get rid of her. Thank you all and nice to be here. :D
A second company named thunder tiger made a version of the t3, I believe that it was called the at10. those parts can be easier to find and cost less when you do.