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Let's see those airbrush stations!

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2024 3:30 pm
by XXWoodmanXX
I've recently purchased an airbrush compressor, with a few airbrushes, tips, hoses, etc. And, since the weather here in WI is less than adequate to paint outdoors, I'm looking to get ideas on how I can set something up in my basement utility room. I've not airbrushed in a LONG time, and it's barely what I call 'experience'. Basically, it was a can of Testors' compressed air with a hose on it. I also purchased some Tamiya Flow Improver and some Tamiya Thinner. Unsure as to what ratio of either I will need to help with basic acrylic model paints.

Tips n Tricks would be great, too. What else would I need, best ways to maintain proper ventilation, etc.

Re: Let's see those airbrush stations!

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2024 9:47 pm
by ZED32
You need some sort of extraction fan or paint booth that vents outside. Also, wear a mask while painting. A KN95 works fine. Just take precautions while spraying, it should go without saying that paint fumes aren't good for you.

It's also worth getting an inline moisture trap. In warmer weather, condensation can build up in the compressor's trap causing water to spit out the airbrush. This has ruined many a paintjob for me. Save the pain and get an inline moisture trap that attaches to the bottom of your airbrush.

For paint mixing with a .35 or .5 airbrushed nozzle, the paint should be about the same liquidy-ness as milk. This varies brand to brand and color to color. I mix mine on the fly and dont really have a set ratio.

Re: Let's see those airbrush stations!

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2024 1:51 am
by Dangeruss
No pic's but...

A fan pointing away from you with an old T'shirt pulled over it, painting towards the back of the fan, is the cheapest/quickest way to help keep overspray down.

Can also use a large box with the bottom cut out and the hole covered by a furnace filter with a fan behind it sucking air though to make a mini paint booth. Free if you have the boxes/filters/fan... $20 or so if you buy the stuff. Can also use two boxes, one pressed into the other, with the fan between for more efficient filtering.

They also make temporary closets... large enough to have a mini paint booth like above and also house all your equipment too. Has the added bonus of zipping closed for a clean and tidy look when you're not using it.

If you've got the space in your utility room... some pvc water line from the hardware store, plastic greenhouse frame connectors, and window shrink film can make an excellent temporary paint booth. Any size you want, door and ventilation as simple or as elaborate as you can think up.

Or you could buy a grow hut... they're basically a walk-in paint booth.

Re: Let's see those airbrush stations!

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2024 10:19 am
by morrisey0
My "station" is temporary, and easy to put up and take down as needed. Most everything just gets thrown inside it, and then it gets thrown under a table. The top of the cabinet is my charging station most of the time.

Its a simple 24x24", 1x2", frame with carboard sides and a filter at the end. Open the window and clamp the cheap box fan under the sash, and then shove the box up to the fan. I keep forgetting to install some lights in it. Works fine for the few times a year and break out the brushes.