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Re: Keeping rc10talk strong, what are members doing?

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 7:04 am
by RedScampi
I find rctech and some other forums tedious to wade through. There's very little actual content and a lot of speculation. Plus, this is the only place that caters to vintage stuff exclusively. And it has spel-chek! :mrgreen:

Re: Keeping rc10talk strong, what are members doing?

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 8:22 pm
by LowClassCC
agreed. larger sites just seem to attract trouble. tens of thousands of posts about the same crap. try to use the search feature you end up with 2000 posts just telling people to search and zero answers.

just because a site has a smaller member base don't mean the knowledge isn't there. it only means that the sites owner is lucky enough to not have to worry as much about how much bandwidth is being sucked up for pointless threads. the plus side is lower hosting costs for the people paying the bills to keep the lights on around this place.

i feel this site should stick with what it does. vintage. there are loads of other sites that deal with the "other" stuff.

Re: Keeping rc10talk strong, what are members doing?

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 1:20 am
by MelvinsArmy
Wow, I feel all warm and fuzzy now. :lol:

Glad to hear such positive feedback. This place really has grown to a much larger board than I could have ever imagined back when Hoopty and I were begging Bill to create it. Heck, at this point it's even way too big for me. I try to go through as many of the threads as I can, but sometimes I just can't keep up. That's okay though, I love vintage and in my mind there is no such thing as too much when it comes to old r/c cars and info about them.

I'm not too worried about getting new members. Seems like it's been a steady growth for the past couple years. I really don't see newbies with wild new-school cars taking over. There are plenty of other boards for that kind of stuff. Not that we'd ever outright reject new stuff, we do appreciate it, but that never really what this place was about. We aim to keep it old school around here.

I think a lot of credit has to go to the other moderators/admins of this board. Having known them online and also having met Hoopty, scr8p and MrLexan in person, they're all genuinely nice guys, down to Earth and are just here to have a good time like everyone else. I think they all set a great tone for this board. We've been pretty lucky as far as members and people's attitudes and egos go. Just judging by what I've seen on other boards I belong to and visit. We've only had a few minor incidents so far, and only one person has ever been banned. I'd say that's pretty awesome.

Like any society, it's the members that really make it what it is. I must say we've got a pretty good thing going here as far as individual members. From people who have never raced, to pros, to walking r/c encyclopedias, to hard core collectors, to bashers, and all points in between. Thanks to all of you. This site is what you make of it, and so far it's totally awesome.

Re: Keeping rc10talk strong, what are members doing?

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 4:51 am
by markt311
This is the only forum I check everyday. Sure I post on Rctech just to sell stuff, but this is the one site that feels like home.

I thought I knew a thing or two until I joined rc10talk!

I also met a great racing buddy and friend because of this site, you will not meet a nicer guy willing to give you parts, knowledge or an opinion than Bngiles. And he always shows up on race day with a different cool vintage car every time.

Re: Keeping rc10talk strong, what are members doing?

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 8:50 am
by CNA75
I agree with all that has been said in this thread. Compared to most of you, I'm a noob only having recently rediscovered the joys of rc - my first taste was when I was 11 when I had a Tamiya Fox which I thought was the bees knees!! So for people like me, this site is ideal as it caters for the more vintage aspect of things. I suspect that we are all of a fairly similar age group given our taste for vintage.

I look at all the new cars these days and think that, to a large (not complete, though) extent, they have all lost a sense of individual character. RC cars of the 70s, 80s and early 90s were all very individual and, generally, realism pervaded throughout. So I say keep this site focused on that uniqueness. That is certainly the appeal for me when I visit this site, and I find it more and more addictive the more I visit....some of the rides on this site are unbelievable and the generally vibe referenced elsewhere in this thread is down-to-earth and relaxed (probably because we're all getting older!!).....

Thanks to all moderators for achieving this.

Re: Keeping rc10talk strong, what are members doing?

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:30 pm
by flipwils11
I discovered this through google searches, but then a guy locally that I've been emailing with (he had a craigslist ad asking for leads on vintage RC gear) told me this was the place for RC10's.

So far it's been mostly fun and I've spent more time on here than my normal, real car forums.

Re: Keeping rc10talk strong, what are members doing?

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 2:57 am
by treehugger
markt311 wrote:This is the only forum I check everyday. , but this is the one site that feels like home.

i never had such an informative site been back into rc cars for about a year now i started off in the tamiya club but i liked kyosho :shock: :lol: then terry gave me a link to this place it seems to have a bigger knowledge base on kyosho than tam club then slowly got converted to rc10.


Re: Keeping rc10talk strong, what are members doing?

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:54 pm
by GJW
i was once told if a man can work with his hands he is blessed, this certainly applies to this wonderful hobby! cant say ive ever been bored and i owe it all to r/c, friends complain there's nothing to do so i tell them to get a hobby. :lol: this forum has very diverse bunch of members as mentioned only the real passionate one's remain. i really love reading and viewing its like christmas everyday.

credits go to all involved.. thanks to all the lads and mods for all there hard work... huge thumbs up :D

Re: Keeping rc10talk strong, what are members doing?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 9:57 am
by bladeszx2

I couldn't agree with you more. I go onto RCtech once in awhile and I see people ignorantly argueing over each others opinions. This forum is the best I've EVER come across, and I feel very grateful to get to discuss vintage RC with a bunch of other enthusiasts. I'm not into AYK, or Losi, or some of the other vintage brands, but even these threads are really cool to read and see what you guys all over the world are doing and collecting. This site seems to have the cream of the crop.

Thanks for letting me participate,


Re: Keeping rc10talk strong, what are members doing?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 11:51 am
by proffesso
im loving this site, check for new posts at lunch hour. almost with there were more memebers posting more threads with the quality of what ive seen here.

Re: Keeping rc10talk strong, what are members doing?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 6:17 pm
by vintage AE
Keeping'er strong - When my parents moved out of the house I grew up in and told me to take my RC stuff and do something with it, I though it was a great opportunity to get my RC10s going again. This site not only helped me restore my dusty cars, but also helped me build new RC10 runners. There is a huge wealth of knowledge and experience that relate to just about all vintage RCs here, which I think is invaluable to it's members. So, thanks to not only the admins, but to everyone on the site. AND...thanks for not charging for us to post photos like some other sites. Although I haven't donated yet, it's coming :lol: i'll make it a good one :wink:

What I've been doing - Currently, I am making some changes to my old but new runner, which I finally bought another body for it to get painted (the first, a B2 body, went to the painters and never came back :roll: ) pics will be posted soon and thread will be updated. Also I am going to restore my Hornet my parents threw back at me.

Re: Keeping rc10talk strong, what are members doing?

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 12:33 am
by wts873
This is one of the few sites that is about vintage off road racing. Seems like a lot of the other sites that focus on vintage are more focused on the scale type of car like Tamiya. I love to see the hopped up, ready to race customized car. The kind of car you would see when you were a kid and thought " Wow, that has to be fast!" That reminds me of being a kid, and I still get the same feeling of envy and admiration as I did back then. This is the only RC forum I care to keep up with. Thank you to all who keep this place going and to all the members who make it what it is. Plus, some of the drama can be very entertaining. Where else will you hear about things being shipped wrapped up in underwear! That still makes me laugh :lol:

Re: Keeping rc10talk strong, what are members doing?

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 5:04 am
by RC10Talk
Wow! This post I really like! Makes me feel like my time has been well spent! Oddly this forum got its start on wich I did not start that site! The crowd over there wanted a vintage forum I believe and I started this site and asked a few guys to be admins and to run with it! i gave a few members complete control and have never second guessed my decision! I do the back ground work, but they are in the public's eye! This site has fare surpassed ClodTalk in every aspect! What makes it great is the admins having great knowledge and the members itself! Any website can not last without member support!

Oddly Ive never advertised this site except for its start up on Too be honest I never even set up meta tags (not every one knows what I am talking about) for this site! I think this site gets passed around more by word of mouth! Which for a web site is the best compliment of all! Im thrilled its turned out do successful! Im so thrilled it supports itself and of course some of my side R/C project R/C sites! I see nothing but good things for this site in the future! But then again, i don't run it so I have no idea what they are!

I actually started using this site more. The admins and a few other know I am a huge huge clod fan! But the knowledge on this site answers any question I have when not dealing with clods!

With members like you, this site will never die! i just hope I can keep the quality and features you guys want and expect!

Re: Keeping rc10talk strong, what are members doing?

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:06 am
by Charlie don't surf
Bill Krueger wrote:Wow! This post I really like! Makes me feel like my time has been well spent! Oddly this forum got its start on wich I did not start that site! The crowd over there wanted a vintage forum I believe and I started this site and asked a few guys to be admins and to run with it! i gave a few members complete control and have never second guessed my decision! I do the back ground work, but they are in the public's eye! This site has fare surpassed ClodTalk in every aspect! What makes it great is the admins having great knowledge and the members itself! Any website can not last without member support!

Oddly Ive never advertised this site except for its start up on Too be honest I never even set up meta tags (not every one knows what I am talking about) for this site! I think this site gets passed around more by word of mouth! Which for a web site is the best compliment of all! Im thrilled its turned out do successful! Im so thrilled it supports itself and of course some of my side R/C project R/C sites! I see nothing but good things for this site in the future! But then again, i don't run it so I have no idea what they are!

I actually started using this site more. The admins and a few other know I am a huge huge clod fan! But the knowledge on this site answers any question I have when not dealing with clods!

With members like you, this site will never die! i just hope I can keep the quality and features you guys want and expect!
With the large group of guys doing "10 Talk auctions" here, I hope that it is keeping the pressure off you for the maint- I really feel that this place is like the RC "Clubs" that we all used to race under BITD and when you have a good group-good things will happen. I am really happy to see so many members stepping up and helping out, as I have mentioned before and with the harder economic times, it really means something!

Re: Keeping rc10talk strong, what are members doing?

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 7:59 am
by Mad Racer
I love this site.

From the great lay out to the great members here. We are all different and we all collect for different reasons but it all comes togeather here. I'm a member of 2 other forums but this is my favourite site by a long way. I have broken parts on some of my vintage runners, place a add in the wanted section and in no time I have the part on the way.

I really like the fact that this site is not clogged up with advertiseing as well unlike r/c tech which only seems to be getting worse too.

I will be here for a long time to come.
