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Re: Another buggy for me! :)

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:00 pm
by rawpwr
RedScampi wrote:
HotRodJosh wrote:
I prefer to call the color, "Deep Purple". :mrgreen:
lol :lol:

Re: Another buggy for me! :)

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:18 pm
by FordPSD
What kind of dye did you use? I did all my white parts royal blue but they came out purple. Now I'm trying to die them black but it's not going very well. I'm using fabric dye which I used before.

Re: Another buggy for me! :)

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:52 am
by RedScampi
FordPSD wrote:What kind of dye did you use? I did all my white parts royal blue but they came out purple. Now I'm trying to die them black but it's not going very well. I'm using fabric dye which I used before.
I used RIT fabric dye. It always works very well for me. Step by step, what are you doing and what issues are you having?

Re: Another buggy for me! :)

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 12:53 pm
by FordPSD
I used hot tap water and let the parts sit over night. I'm thinking of boiling the dye on our outside grill and then soaking the parts. It turns out the dye that I am using is Rit Liquid fabric dye. The parts have been soaking for about 16 hours now.

Re: Another buggy for me! :)

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:08 pm
by RedScampi
That would probably be the issue. I boil the water with a bit of salt, drop it to a simmer then add the parts. Stir it a bit now and then. It should only take 15 to 30 minutes max. I use an old sauce pan on the stovetop and a cheap spaghetti strainer to pour the parts into afterwards.

Re: Another buggy for me! :)

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:18 pm
by FordPSD
RedScampi thanks. I'll boil the dye on the gas grill and try that and add some salt. I'm not allowed in the ktchen ever since I used my wifes oven to bake paint on auto parts.

Re: Another buggy for me! :)

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 3:38 pm
by RedScampi
You're welcome! I have thought about baking parts in our oven but it's new and I'd probably be crucified! :lol: I can get away with the dye thing in the kitchen because I'm very careful and clean up after myself. It also doesn't hurt that we have black appliances and counter tops. 8)

Re: Another buggy for me! :)

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 4:52 pm
by FordPSD
Scampi that was it! Heat and lots of it. I got the grill up to 350 degrees which got the dye steaming. I left the parts in there and just stirred them. No luck at first. In fact at first it was discouraging because it looked like the purple was coming off a little and no black was adhering or penetrating. But once the heat got up there and lots of salt was added you could see it changing. I could not get the dye to boil but I did open the lid frequently when the temperature got above 350. My grill can usually get to 600 which means I probably have a rotted out burner.

I then got a spackle bucket that my wife uses for weeding and filled it with cold water outside and set it on the grill to put the parts in. Fearing I might miss some small parts I just poured the pan of dye into the bucket. It was then I realized the bucket had a hole and was getting black dyed water all over the patio and pavers! This is all taking place in 35 degree weather!

Well after the mess and all got done the parts are drying behind me! Thanks.

Re: Another buggy for me! :)

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:16 am
by RedScampi
Cool, glad that worked out for you! You could dye your entire patio black. :lol: