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Re: Update 5/23

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:43 am
by mytimac
Just updated the Ads and Articles sections with new content.
All the new Ads and Articles come compliments of RC10talk member Jirka. He spent a lot of time scanning and uploading them to me.
So big thanks to him.
Check out the Funnin ad for a laugh at how awful it is by todays standards. :)
Added a bunch of Tech Talk tip articles.
Jirka did give me more scans of real magazine articles but I am looking into permission issues before posting more.

Re: Update 5/23

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 2:13 pm
by Beaker1024
The "Ads" page doesn't load correctly but the "Articles" page looks good!

Looking forward to seeing the old Ads!

Re: Update 5/23

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:00 pm
by mytimac
Odd, I have tried 3 different devices and 4 different browsers and it is loading fine for me.

If you have been to the website in the last couple weeks your web browser may be caching old data. May have to hit reload a few times or empty cache.

Anybody else having issues?

Re: Update 5/23

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:32 pm
by Beaker1024
Ok I had been using FireFox 29. I hadn't been to either the Ads or Articles page before. WHy the Articles comes up fine and the Ads still doesn't (I just get the grey background and the Text/labels for the ads. No thumbnails or even your sites header.

Just tried IE11 and it's loading fine for both pages.

I have no idea why that's the case.

Re: Update 5/23

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 5:12 pm
by mytimac
Just FINALLY added the XXTCR manual in the manual section. The only missing manual is the SW IWC addendum I think now.

Created a video in the How To section for some of the guys who are not walking encyclopedias like some of the rest of us. It covers the different early rear hubs for Losi kits and shows how to use some of the newer XX hubs on older kits. Have some other videos in the works. Been test fitting a lot of rear wheel options on the old jrxpro buggies.

Finally added a bunch of Part Gallery photos that I didn't have up there before and had come into the Sabula Tech store. So if you are a new guy and curious at some of the 3rd party parts that exist out there it is a great place to get ideas. Added photos for non 3rd party but 3rd party got the biggest update. This applies to all 3 Part Gallery sections.

Re: Update 5/23

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 5:48 pm
by LosiXXkid
Great video, Dan! Looking forward to the video covering different wheel options for modern rubber... :wink:

Re: Update 5/23

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 10:37 am
by mytimac
Oh forgot, one more thing was added. New 7/1996 Price List.
LosiXXkid wrote:Great video, Dan! Looking forward to the video covering different wheel options for modern rubber... :wink:
Thank you. I have some basic video showing some of the wheels on a loose arm shot. I am now putting a buggy together for exact width measurements when rims are mounted. Want to be able to provide people with measurement differences so they can best decide what to use for modern tire usage.

Re: Update 5/23

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 4:41 pm
by LosiXXkid

I was just wondering if these...

...would work/ help with the the 5-Link set-up to run modern tyres?

They appear to shift the drive pin outwards so I was just curious as to whether you've tried them or not?

Re: Update 5/23

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 6:04 pm
by mytimac
I have a set to try. Right now my first test subject is the H-Arm setup for the Pro and Pro SE. Once I a done with that I will move on the 5 link. This will give me a good baseline to see which rims are even worth messing with on the 5 link.

Re: Update 5/23

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 6:22 pm
by mytimac
Here is something I had never realized before on the newest generation rims. I always realized the rims are bigger diameter, but never compared width. The width is also bigger. I don't consider it a small difference either. Jrx2 wheel is 35.45mm and 22 wheel is 38.03mm. It is forcing me to go back and get more measurements. I was just doing outside of rim width, nw I have to do inner width as well to be even better in my results. Make sense now, should have done it to start really.

Re: Update 5/23

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 6:44 pm
by alien3t
gET OFF SET ALSO? I was told the bk2 axles are needed to run xxx or b4 wheels on the older cars with 5-link.

all this info be great, be nice ot use modern wheels and save the classic wheels for shelf for not running, and use newer wheels and not stress that they be worn out.