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Re: Tamiya releases for 2012 - it's like a miracle.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:03 am
by MelvinsArmy
The XR311 is looking pretty cool. I like that chassis layout and the wheels/tires.

Re: Tamiya releases for 2012 - it's like a miracle.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 1:04 am
by longboardnj
think this guy did a better job on the bus then tamiya [youtube]zf_Pnznt-G0&feature=plcp&context=C37ed4eeUDOEgsToPDskLo7ukY7_QEIxvfb5fILqJw[/youtube]

Re: Tamiya releases for 2012 - it's like a miracle.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:00 am
by Lowgear
proffesso wrote:they didnt even bother to make new wheels for the sand buggy/rider...stadium blitzer wheels?

I dunno, I dont really see a lot of thought and effort put into these cars. just raiding the parts bin, mix-n-match...bam, new car
Oh god, some of these things are abominations. The rims appear to be from the Dyna Blaster. Also used on the TR-15T, Blitzer Beetle metallic special, etc...

Re: Tamiya releases for 2012 - it's like a miracle.

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:43 am
by tamiyadan

Re: Tamiya releases for 2012 - it's like a miracle.

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:56 am
by Coelacanth
tamiyadan wrote:What is so funny is Tamiya shot themselves in the foot here: Basically by re-issuing product they murdered people's desire to own them. They are no longer rare or hard to find which is a 90% driving force for people to collect something. Now recently i had a fun conversation with a large hobby shop owner that is now stuck with a ton of Tamiya reissue kits that he feels he cannot sell. They sold like hotcakes a few years ago, but now since you can go anywhere and find one of these for sale the magic is gone. Anyone that wanted one now has it, and anyone that felt a pressure to collect one now doesn't want it because it is no longer special.
Although I'm not a Tamiya fan, I would disagree. Tamiya didn't shoot themselves in the foot; they saw an opportunity to make profits from old molds, didn't have to do much re-tooling or invest in any new engineering or innovations, all they had to do was fire up the assembly lines with the old molds again. These re-re's don't cater to collectors, which I daresay would be in the very small minority; they cater to all the 30- to 50-somethings that want to re-experience their youth, as well as make a bit of side money on newcomers to the hobby or parents wanting to introduce their children to the hobby. Those people VASTLY outnumber the collectors.

Tamiya is laughing all the way to the bank. Even on this forum, you can see the excitement these re-re's generate. I personally don't understand it because I'm neither a collector nor do I want to re-experience Tamiya because my original Frog experiences are better off left as memories. ;)

Re: Tamiya releases for 2012 - it's like a miracle.

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 2:42 pm
by billetproofcustoms
I would have to agree wth Coelancath in part, I have since 1979 wanted a Sand Scorcher, and even though I can pick up a re-re, I have little desire to do so because it is not a vintage Scorcher, I just spent the last few months buying vintage parts and peices to build my Scorcher, and I value it more because it is completely vintage, which makes it collectible to IMO, the collectors market is still there, just somewhat re-thought. An original Scorcher and the original parts are still just as rare and hard to find, they are simply just not as valuable anymore due to the re-re's. The guys out there that had things like Scorchers as investments are the ones that are suffering the most, but there's a difference between collecting as a form of investment, and collecting for the love of the car/hobby. I think all Tamiya has done is effectively put a huge dent in the "collecting for investment" market. I love that Tamiya is re releasing KITS, and not RTR Scorchers, etc.. I have never been a proponent of RTR just due to the fact that a beginner with an RTR will likely have no idea how to fix anything, tune, etc, which to me is the fun of the hobby...wrenching and customizing your car.. I still remember getting my Tamiya Brat back in th 80's for Christmas when I was 15, I learned SO much about RC's simply by building it myself with no assistance from anyone else, it made that car very special to me just for that experience, I am all for a new generation learning to build an RC.
Coelacanth wrote:
tamiyadan wrote:What is so funny is Tamiya shot themselves in the foot here: Basically by re-issuing product they murdered people's desire to own them. They are no longer rare or hard to find which is a 90% driving force for people to collect something. Now recently i had a fun conversation with a large hobby shop owner that is now stuck with a ton of Tamiya reissue kits that he feels he cannot sell. They sold like hotcakes a few years ago, but now since you can go anywhere and find one of these for sale the magic is gone. Anyone that wanted one now has it, and anyone that felt a pressure to collect one now doesn't want it because it is no longer special.
Although I'm not a Tamiya fan, I would disagree. Tamiya didn't shoot themselves in the foot; they saw an opportunity to make profits from old molds, didn't have to do much re-tooling or invest in any new engineering or innovations, all they had to do was fire up the assembly lines with the old molds again. These re-re's don't cater to collectors, which I daresay would be in the very small minority; they cater to all the 30- to 50-somethings that want to re-experience their youth, as well as make a bit of side money on newcomers to the hobby or parents wanting to introduce their children to the hobby. Those people VASTLY outnumber the collectors.

Tamiya is laughing all the way to the bank. Even on this forum, you can see the excitement these re-re's generate. I personally don't understand it because I'm neither a collector nor do I want to re-experience Tamiya because my original Frog experiences are better off left as memories. ;)

Re: Tamiya releases for 2012 - it's like a miracle.

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 2:53 pm
by civilguy
billetproofcustoms wrote:I am all for a new generation learning to build an RC.
Couldn't agree more:
That reminds me that I need to post a completed pic of the Lunchbox. :roll:

Re: Tamiya releases for 2012 - it's like a miracle.

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:04 pm
by MelvinsArmy
I don't mind if the "collector market" is destroyed. You mention that these went from being a vintage collectible to being just a toy car. Well, let us not forget that in the 80s all these were just just toy cars. So we're back where we started. The collector market is a false market. An r/c car is not a real commodity. People speculating on the value of a r/c car to make a profit aren't very smart. For those who are die hard old schoolers, these re-re kits shouldn't hurt their love for vintage cars. The old cars aren't destroyed because new ones are made. You can still acquire vintage pieces, I still do.

Re: Tamiya releases for 2012 - it's like a miracle.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:42 am
by billetproofcustoms
Exactly what he said... :wink:

I would still rather have vintage Rc than anything..

MelvinsArmy wrote:I don't mind if the "collector market" is destroyed. You mention that these went from being a vintage collectible to being just a toy car. Well, let us not forget that in the 80s all these were just just toy cars. So we're back where we started. The collector market is a false market. An r/c car is not a real commodity. People speculating on the value of a r/c car to make a profit aren't very smart. For those who are die hard old schoolers, these re-re kits shouldn't hurt their love for vintage cars. The old cars aren't destroyed because new ones are made. You can still acquire vintage pieces, I still do.

Re: Tamiya releases for 2012 - it's like a miracle.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 6:52 am
The collector market hasn't been destroyed at all............"collectors" are interested (and ALWAYS will be), in the ORIGINAL and genuine articles. Prices exchange on the private market for what they used to - even higher now days for original parts and kits. I would like to see a nice complete bruiser for 300 bucks!! ;) Supply and demand to be honest. Prices might not be as high now because "most" of the "major" collectors on eBay and around the globe have collected most of what they want. Wont stop individuals paying for originality though.

What has been destroyed is the wannabee, ill-guided - get rich quick people that thought "investing" in toy cars was a sound business decision :roll: . I don't feel sorry for them at all :D . This "dumping" is a bonus in my opinion - because the cars will come back onto the market and go to people that actually want them because they value them, not for their monetary worth - but the personal/sentimental value... People should not be collecting for financial gain (the stock market is a far better place for that), and then whinging that the comanies are re-releasing cars and destroying their investment..........

Collecting is a very personal thing. For me - I could care less about what they are worth in a monetary sense. I am happy that Tamiya have re-re'd a tonne of the cars from the past. I love the fact that I can buy a Sand Rover/Sand Scorcher and tear around with it without fearing that I will break it and wont be able to resource a part quickly or cheaply. It doesn't bother me that my NIB kits "could" be worth less on the eBay market (I bought them for my enjoyment - no one else's). I know plenty of collectors that are happy to pay for something they want that is completely original. I love the cars for what they are......representations of the rich past of our hobby, whether they are originals sitting on a shelf - or original runner or even re-re's.....the hobby is many different things to many different people.

Your collections "value" should not come into it if you are passionate about the cars . If it is the money you are passionate about - you are in the wrong game.



Re: Tamiya releases for 2012 - it's like a miracle.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 6:55 am
Coelacanth wrote:Tamiya is laughing all the way to the bank. Even on this forum, you can see the excitement these re-re's generate. I personally don't understand it because I'm neither a collector nor do I want to re-experience Tamiya because my original Frog experiences are better off left as memories. ;)

Hahahahaha - aint that the truth :D Just like the Avante and SS - terrible to drive....but damn they look good.

Tamiya have been and always will be the very best marketers of R/C product on the planet. They are second to none in promotion and ability to generate enthusiasm......jeeez - they had us all convinced that the Hornet was a "competition" 1/10th scale off-road!! :lol: :lol:

Respect to them, great company.



Re: Tamiya releases for 2012 - it's like a miracle.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:10 am
by Lowgear
The only problem is you don't know if somethings all original any longer.

Re: Tamiya releases for 2012 - it's like a miracle.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:35 am
by askbob
MelvinsArmy wrote:I don't mind if the "collector market" is destroyed. You mention that these went from being a vintage collectible to being just a toy car. Well, let us not forget that in the 80s all these were just just toy cars. So we're back where we started. The collector market is a false market. An r/c car is not a real commodity. People speculating on the value of a r/c car to make a profit aren't very smart. For those who are die hard old schoolers, these re-re kits shouldn't hurt their love for vintage cars. The old cars aren't destroyed because new ones are made. You can still acquire vintage pieces, I still do.


Toy cars with only personal value really. Small exceptions of course.

Re: Tamiya releases for 2012 - it's like a miracle.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:52 am
by fredswain
Since I rarely collect anything just for the sake of collecting it I think re-releases is a good thing. That means you can still drive those cars and get parts for them when you break them.

Re: Tamiya releases for 2012 - it's like a miracle.

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:52 pm
by Mad Racer
I'm getting 2 Super Shots when they come out.

Love the RE re as i'm not in it too make money but enjoy running them with out fear!!!!!!!!