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Re: How Many RC Cars Do You Have?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 9:27 am
by Chris K
I think that the current term for what we're all a victim of is 'hoarding' - and there's several 'reality shows' about the 'problem' - although when I look at others version of the 'problem' it always seems to be much worse than mine! :D

My wife and I are both a bit inclined in this direction; but mine tends to be focused on keeping little pieces of wire that are 20+ years old instead of cutting a piece off of a spool that's sitting right beside the 'pieces box'.... In her case, she tends to pick up and keep all kinds of stuff - we (and our children and grandchildren) should never have to buy a pen or a posty note EVER!!!!!! I think she sees it as 'multi generational purchasing' but its hoarding in my book!!!!

I appreciate the problem Bob is having; I ran for several years 10 years or so ago buying and selling old parts on Ebay; I was lucky enough to 'buy out' old stock (parts primarily) from several hobby shops in the area and used that as the basis for my collection; selling off what I didn't plan to use to fund the purchase of what I did plan to use/rebuild/restor. In theory that's a pretty good plan and is probably very similar to how the many on here have funded and do restorations and such. BOB on the other hand has a built in source that probably goes similar to this: Sales Manager: " this isnt selling any more, old stock, send it over to Bob, he'll know what to do with it...." and twa la, a collection of 'more stuff' is born!

I have a small, meaningful collection which is generally stuff that either I raced or which I always wanted to race; the exctption to this being my 2 834Bs that I just HAD to have.... Most is in boxes - some yet to be assembled, which I will do when I get 'old and retired' &/or too old to race (I'll be 64 in a month or so but still have a 'real job' 'career' I love most of the time). All is sorted by model so it's all pretty easy to find except Losi and Associated stuff, which is way bigger than any single box or tub will hold!

One of the plans that I have for the next year or so is to dig into the 'tub' which has a copy of pretty much every article that I ever wrote for a magazine - dating to RC News, Competition Plus and lastly Radio Control Model Cars. Its a BIG tub, they're all laid in flat and have all been boxed and stored since they were received and read. There's lotsa' old stuff in there in addition to most issues of RC Driver, who still (for whatever reason) seems to like my stuff. I'm sure that there are a lot of things in the 'old' end of the tub that will be interesting to many here.

I'm NOT a world class organizer (again, sounds like Bob and I have a LOT in common) but when appropriatly 'motivated' by the wifey, will eventually work on it some; we now have the various models placed neatly on shelves, with the information on WHAT is in the box visible. BUT, I seem to keep adding; I can't pass up a Dual Sport in the $50.00 range and anything reasonably priced for a early gas truck will join the collection but my purchasing power is severely restricted by my racing 'habit' which takes waaaaayyyy too much money to end up in the B main!

Hopefully at some point I'll be approved for the buy/sell area and this should motivate me to participate in both ends of this food chain!

Re: How Many RC Cars Do You Have?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 11:23 am
by kaiser
i like to stare at them, just like bob. my wife will walk into the garage and i'll be holding a car, staring at it. i'll jump up and make like i was working on it.

we're a stange breed. lol :mrgreen:

Re: How Many RC Cars Do You Have?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 12:54 pm
by clinehobbies
NOT ENOUGH YET! :mrgreen:

Re: How Many RC Cars Do You Have?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 1:25 pm
by jwscab
I love this thread.....

I'm up to 23 or so, and I do some very similar things you guys do: just hold them up to look at the engineering; get sick and disgusted at the collection of cars I have (BTW, most in boxes, more or less 'kits' I have collected, but not assembled), then see something on ebay or just generally mess around with one then get back into the swing of 'em.

Get sick and queasy about selling them after I convince myself I need to get rid of them. hahhah.....then convince myself I don't need to.

and I'm always just 'one' part away from getting a car complete(as a kit mind you), but that one part seems to always drag along some of it's friends in a great deal, and it's always enough extra parts to the point that if I just get a few more parts, I'll have a whole new car! it's a terrible vicious cycle.....

Re: How Many RC Cars Do You Have?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 2:03 pm
by ROH73
My collection has 26 cars in it at the moment, plus lots of spare parts...and in many instances, spare cars. I wish it were a little smaller, but it's tough to part with them.

I got back into RC in 2006. Around 2008, to better "manage" my growing collection, I decided on a few rules:

1. No shelf queens. I've sold them off and only have runners.
2. No NIB. The few vintage kits I had are gone and I used the money to buy several used, good condition runners.
3. Keep it diverse. I don't need three RC10 Team cars...I just need one. Instead, I put my money into other cars I've always wanted like a YZ-834B, a Wild Willy, a Javelin, etc.

That system works for me and keeps my collection "in line," so to speak. Otherwise, I'd probably have 50 cars by now (20 of them being some variation of an RC10) :D .

Re: How Many RC Cars Do You Have?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 3:43 pm
Anyone that knows me knows I’m a huge fan of 80’s pop culture. I thought it would be funny to show the cleaning montage from Revenge Of The Nerds, but couldn’t find it right off.

This will do though. Same song and a well made video. :lol:
