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Re: Alloy Build Update of Jan/14/2014

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 12:29 am
by myfordcnc
If you mean the anodize work he asked $300. I paid him 350 because it was too cheep in my opinion and wanted him coming out thinking it was worth his effort. And what a great effort it is. the pics don't do it justice. I don't know why people are so secretive with things like this. It is peoples time, it should cost some thing. I'm not sure how many hours went in for him to do this but I know it can't be a living wage at that price. The truth is I should have paid twice that if not more. I'm not rich I just Know what time is worth.

Edit: on that line, How much do people pay for custom paint jobs,parts,fab? It's all labor/skill. how does one price that? Plus this guy works with you. You're not just some job to him.

Re: Alloy Build Update of Jan/14/2014

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 12:54 am
by myfordcnc
When I approached Don about the project I asked him if it made sense that i should prep/polish/deanodize the parts first. He said it was better for him to get the parts as they were so that he could better know how to treat them. Just saying when I do restoration I do the same thing." Do not touch it let me find out whats going on first." Any body that has done restoration will know this. It is best to start with a blank slate. And the blank slate is untouched. Unless the customer really knows what they are doing. Which is rare.

Re: Alloy Build Update of Jan/14/2014

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 3:05 am
by Diamond Dave
Interesting, and well worth it if you ask me. I agree, pay what you need to and get it done right the first time. Nice work.