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Re: Bormac's Nichimo Midships 443 WDS - An unexpected project

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 7:14 am
by silvertriple
kabel wrote: Thu Jun 16, 2022 5:57 am Thanks, I just saw your Spirit FF work, just impressive and great! Now I want to print a new front bumper from your spirit ff files, it should be the same to the midships, I hope. I searched services where you can print it with that nice material you also used, but the dimensions of the bumper are too big for all services I find, where did you print? :)

Thanks a lot
Hi Gérald,
Where are you located?
In terms of material, I got it printed in MJF PA12... The question of the location is important to direct you to options :-)

Re: Bormac's Nichimo Midships 443 WDS - An unexpected project

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 11:47 am
by kabel
I am your neighbour, in Germany. :D

Re: Bormac's Nichimo Midships 443 WDS - An unexpected project

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 1:03 pm
by silvertriple
kabel wrote: Thu Jun 16, 2022 11:47 am Hi,
I am your neighbour, in Germany. :D
Ok : you may try (located in Belgium) or located in Italy.
Alternatively (located in China, but you have a way to have it shipped with VAT included so its worry free), cost wise it may be the best option.

And by the way, i confirm the bumper is the same for both FF and 443WDS cars.

I've checked for the whole Midships roll cage : it should be printable in MJF black or SLS white for some of the services (but not if I'm not mistaken): white SLS can be easily died, so it could do it.

That being said, I will add later on today the small stl you want on a hidden link I'll provide you on cults3D, as I want to test the feature (and if it doesn't work, I'll find another way to share it with you)... But I don't suggest to print that it thru an online provider as it may cost a fortune (there is a minimal cost for a print, and it is way above what the small piece would cost by itself, so it would be better if you find someone to print it for you with a FDM printer, or to wait I upload the whole roll cage part: it would have the advantage of being homogeneous in terms of result, and strongest if you want to run your Midships...

Other note : I noticed earlier today that the sync between cults3D and thingiverse is just a copy of the new items in thingiverse and do not work when there is updates. I suggest you search the parts on Thingiverse if you want to be sure to have the last version of the files for the Spirit FF...

Re: Bormac's Nichimo Midships 443 WDS - An unexpected project

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 1:33 pm
by kabel
Thanks a lot for your detailed answer! Good information. :)

Re: Bormac's Nichimo Midships 443 WDS - An unexpected project

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 5:17 pm
by silvertriple
Just uploaded Midships parts on Thingiverse and as well some of the Exceed parts as work in progress at this stage. I'll add differentials later on and as well the Exceed roll cage...

Re: Bormac's Nichimo Midships 443 WDS - An unexpected project

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2022 4:16 pm
by silvertriple
I may have mentioned this earlier, but beside Jason, I know another Australian guy doing rc stuff, and this guy was quite helpfull for me regarding the Hunter and Galaxys... And he is having a vacuform machine, so I saw a possibility to do something,...

I worked out a mould from the body shell. it's not perfect, but it is approaching from the bodyshell.

I send both Fusion file and the pictures to get the feedback on this. Maybe this could work... Let's see what my friend will say :)

Re: Bormac's Nichimo Midships 443 WDS - An unexpected project

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2022 9:40 am
by silvertriple
New Achievement reached :
a car repaired with printed parts from my files on ebay
Not too sure what to think about this...

Re: Bormac's Nichimo Midships 443 WDS - An unexpected project

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2022 11:35 am
by GoMachV
I worry less about the ones that disclose the printed parts. It’s the ones that print off a bunch of stuff and then try to sell it as “I don’t know the history” that really irk me. As far as someone using your parts to sell, that’s just part of the game. You have to go into sharing your files knowing it will happen and just accept it or don’t publish them. The one and only part I have shared was a simple gps box and all I asked is that they keep my logo on it. Wasn’t more than two days and they were on eBay without my logo on them.

Re: Bormac's Nichimo Midships 443 WDS - An unexpected project

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2022 12:52 pm
by silvertriple
I know that selling parts installed to repair a car is part of this... However, one should keep the origin of the files known and the author credited : that's what they agreed when they download the parts under creative common - non commercial files...

I had myself the question about sharing files or not, at some point. Most of the downloads you get from parts you don't hear about it : most happens without a single thank you (and I'm not even speaking about contributions).
Sometimes it is disappointing...

On the other side, I'm doing all of this so one can repair a car and make it running. I'm happy when it happens and more even when people recognize the work and talk about it and thanks me for it... When looking at those cars including parts printed, one may ask why I'm doing this, and why I'm not selling my parts or at least the files... I was more about sharing the parts so people can print and repair, but I may change mind after all...

Re: Bormac's Nichimo Midships 443 WDS - An unexpected project

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2023 12:22 pm
by silvertriple
As mentioned, I sent the Fusion 360 file of the Bodyshell a few months ago to my friend Yogi-bear located in Australia, like Bormac...

This morning, when I woke up, there was a mail in my mailbox with some pictures... The pictures worth thousand words, and it certainly sounds like an another achievement reached...

Obviously, there is still some work, as this will require dimensionnal validation before adjustments, reprint and finition before retrying (need for some filler and sanding, for sure before next attemps)...

Re: Bormac's Nichimo Midships 443 WDS - An unexpected project

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 2:12 pm
by kabel
Very cool! 8)

Re: Bormac's Nichimo Midships 443 WDS - An unexpected project

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 9:43 am
by silvertriple
Today, I got some pictures from my friend @Bormac... He allowed to share them. It was about the Midships bodyshell attempt...

Just a few reminders before the pics :
- this is a dimensional test, which means the mould was taken straight out of the printer and the vac forming was done without any additional preparation
- the idea to try to do a mould came long after the original bodyshell was sent to Australia, and when I did the model, I had no intentions at all of this sort, which means I paid attention to get the general idea of it without making too much attention to get very close of it (not like all the mechanical parts). Additionally, I made it using plain solid, and this likely did not help at all, because having some limitiations in the exercise...


There is some good and some bad. The bas is mainly the front part which is off... At the time I did this model, there is a lot of things I did not know how to do yet. I would do it differently today... The good is that it shows it is possible to do something, and I could do better... There is still some work. Jason told me this is not a fail for him, but on my side, I see where my model is off and that is where I'm unhappy... On the other side, this allowed me to learn so much that it is somehow very good, so it is very positive. The Midships was my second car model, and from there I came a long way, and what you can see it this post is the result of lot of discussions with a few people, and they all participated to make this possible... Thanks to all of them :)

Re: Bormac's Nichimo Midships 443 WDS - An unexpected project

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 1:08 pm
by Dadio
That's a very good proof of concept , considering you never intended it to be used in this way and it was early work it's far from anything to be ashamed of , next one will be spot on I'm sure :!: Most of the faults could probably be addressed by just reworking the buck , it would need sanding and filling anyway .