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diff clutch slipping on 6-gear trans.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:46 pm
by pj_elia
I recently got my old gold pan running. I'm using a 15T brushed motor and a 7 cell battery. Under hard acceleration the cluth slips. Any ideas? I have tightened the nut as much as the e-clip could handle. I freshened up the trans with new idler gears and cleaned and lubed bearings. The only thing non-stock is the washers around the internal thrust bearing. With the thicker stock washers, I had a hard time getting enough thread to start the nut diff nut.

I've been on the site for awhile reading, and you guys are the best source of information for these vintage rc10's.



Re: diff clutch slipping on 6-gear trans.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:56 pm
by Bugle
Something is wrong if tightening the diff nut pulls the e-clip off the other end, it shouldn't be taking any load. Are the bearing carriers going into the case properly?

I had the same thing with the spring seeming to be too long to get the nut on, plus it looked like the nut needed a washer because it's such a huge diameter. I just put a stealth slipper spring on it instead and it works better.

Re: diff clutch slipping on 6-gear trans.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:00 pm
by aconsola
I'm a little confused, the e-clip should have no impact on how tight you can get the diff nut on a 6-gear trans.
If you are using non-stock thrust plates, those could be your problem. I tried that once and found that most washers are not hard enough to deal with the load and wind up deforming easily, which makes the diff slip.

post some pictures of the assembly so we can see if there are any other obvious problems.

Re: diff clutch slipping on 6-gear trans.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:01 pm
by pj_elia
Do you think it might be the washers around the thrust bearing. I haven't popped the e-clip off yet but I can see that it is under a lot of stress as I tighten the nut. I have new diff balls coming but the one I have not don't look that bad?

Re: diff clutch slipping on 6-gear trans.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:11 pm
by pj_elia
I guess we're cross posting. I'll take it apart tonight and put some stock washers in place. Its a good thing I bought some old parts cars from ebay last week. I'll let you guys know. If it still slips I'll post some pics.

Thanks for the feedback. My brother in-law thinks I'm crazy for spending the time and money on these old cars. We just built a small dirt track and he went and bought a traxxas rustler vxl RTR. I got his old RC10 stuff which actually was my stuff from a number of years ago. Should have never gave it all away, but I'm glad I gave it to someone I'm still close with.

Anyway, I hope to solve this by the weekend for some backyard racing.

BTW- anyone know of any off road tracks in Northern NJ?

Re: diff clutch slipping on 6-gear trans.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:25 pm
by shredderboy
Ahh Yes That Happened To Me a lot What I Did Was I Put A Washer Between The Bearing And The e-clip That Holds The Top shaft in so now u can tighten it all u want and no broken e-clips :D

Re: diff clutch slipping on 6-gear trans.

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:09 am
by pj_elia
I replaced the top shaft assembly with one that had the stock washers in place. It works much better. I'm not slipping anymore. Still have some more testing to due but I broke a turnbuckle running this evening and left it for now.
