msedsp wrote:
That's not going to happen, however the andy's arms and crp shock collars may be up for sale or trade since i'm thinking of going all original.
Oh really????
I plan on building an RC10 just like how we raced 'em on-road in AK back in the 80's....lowered on foams, gold pans drilled full of holes and all....those collars and arms sure would come in handy.
Nice car there for a mildly "stock" resto.......
"I've got a fever, and the only more cowbell." Pinstriping by Josh
I am thinking of doing a road racer too, around here we tie rod'ed the front end and put the front shocks on the back (grasshoppers, hornets, and RC10's) I think it would be cool to go back, but are old style bolink foams and McAllister bodies still available?
soaked them in some orange "go-jo" type hand cleaner with some pumace in it and scrubbed with an old toothbrush, then same with some regular hand soap, then after a good rinse I soaked them in oxyclean and scrubbed them again, and finally re washed with hand soap to get the oxyclean residue off (don't think I really needed the hand soap, it was more to get the oxyclean, and orange cleaner smell off my own hands) they still have a light tint to them but no more than what I'd expect to see even on a new kit, and espically after 25 years or so...
the crp collars i purchased dont fit the rc10 shocks
msedsp wrote:I agree.
Then I would sell it to me for cheap....
That's not going to happen, however the andy's arms and crp shock collars may be up for sale or trade since i'm thinking of going all original.[/quote]
I've got the CRP collars shown in the first pics that I won't use and they do fit the associated shocks, I may consider selling them if there is any interest in them, they are in great shape, also may consider trades for a chassis or parts.