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The Ultimate R C Option Aluminium VW Body

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 2:05 am
by tizeye

Re: The Ultimate R C Option Aluminium VW Body

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:07 pm
by badhoopty
i saw that listing and just assumed it was a mis-labeled chrome-plated body.

pretty cool.

Re: The Ultimate R C Option Aluminium VW Body

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:26 pm
by mrlexan
I thought the same thing until you guys pointed it out.

I would assume it is made of something super soft, like 3003 or similar, if it is all solid aluminum. One good wack with a curb or another car would put an end to that investment.

Re: The Ultimate R C Option Aluminium VW Body

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 2:22 pm
by MelvinsArmy
Yeah, it seems kind of pointless for an r/c car. It'll probably be considerably heavier and any real hit is gonna destroy it. Just look at the bed on that F350 he's selling, it's not anywhere near straight and it's brand new. Novel idea, but it doesn't seem the least bit practical.

Also, the scale scratches selling point is a bit void as well. I don't think many VW bugs or F350s are made of aluminum. Aluminum and steel aren't even close to the same color.