Why are there so many RTR cars and trucks nowadays??

When it's R/C related, but doesn't fit anyplace else.

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Charlie don't surf
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Re: Why are there so many RTR cars and trucks nowadays??

Post by Charlie don't surf »

longboardnj wrote:
slotcarrod wrote:People are lazy and want quick gratification! I work at a hobby shop and these guys come in with a broken suspension arm and say "fix my truck, you sold it to me!" They are ignorant, rude, lazy, lack any form of intelligence, have no mechanical inclination, will not read instructions (if they can read?). Many of these people are "so called professionals" :roll: . They are the worst! I could tell some stories but I think I will save them for my book! STUPID RTR NOOBS! :mrgreen:
i never understand it .. there are people making over $100,000 a year and they cant even work on a rc car..
Once again, just because someone takes in good coin has nothing to do with their mechanical abilities--or there general knowledge of the world at large.

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