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First race ever

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:32 pm
by vintage AE
OK, my first race ever is less than 24 hrs away. I am racing in an indoor 1/10 scale 2wd and i got my old but newer rc10 ready to compete. Also, locally, they have a off road 2wd stadium truck race which I can run my rc10 truggy thingy with my mamba max. I probably wont be able to race that for a while because of work. I will let everyone know how it goes :?

Just to remind everyone, I have grew up bashing an rc10 and got out of it when I turned 16, now 31 I have gotten back into it and want to do more than just beat stuff around the driveway.

wish me luck :mrgreen:

Re: First race ever

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:36 pm
by klavy69
Good luck...better yet is just have fun with it!

Re: First race ever

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 10:57 pm
by tecnica2001
Yup, Have fun with it... :mrgreen:

Re: First race ever

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 12:08 am
by Halgar
klavy69 wrote:Good luck...better yet is just have fun with it!
Ditto! 8)

Re: First race ever

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:55 am
by gregm
Have fun, don't be afraid to ask for help, and have fun.

something I relearn a couple times a month is that 20 minutes effort in your garage = 40+ minutes at the track. The more prepared you are the easier it will be when you get there. IE, batteries charged, electronics installed and working properly, broken shock tower replaced, etc. [/unsolicited advice]

Good luck.

Re: First race ever

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:10 pm
by vintage AE
thanks guys!

Since you mentioned batteries...I think I should have more than just 2. Actually, now just one, because I think I destroyed one in the ocean today...oops. I guess I should swing be the LHS before I head out.

Re: First race ever

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:22 pm
by civilguy
Good luck. Try to remember that smooth and slow beats fast and out-of-control every time. I find that I finish very well when I can avoid being marshalled-- even if my lap times are a couple seconds behind the fastest guys. :wink:

Re: First race ever

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:47 pm
by Mr. ED
ditto on the above: I always try to stay out of struggles as those are the most likely to get you in need of marshalling (= once you're used to not hit anything driving solo). Hold on to the gas and keep a little distance if there's a flock in front of you. Once they tangle up you can pass them by all at once :mrgreen:

What I find hardest in modern races are the jumps; taking them slow doesn't always work and you find yourself pushed to take risks. (Actually jumpmishaps are what I saw as the main reason for marshaling on the higher level races I witnessed recently)

Re: First race ever

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:35 pm
by Halgar
Mr. ED wrote:ditto on the above: I always try to stay out of struggles as those are the most likely to get you in need of marshalling (= once you're used to not hit anything driving solo). Hold on to the gas and keep a little distance if there's a flock in front of you. Once they tangle up you can pass them by all at once :mrgreen:

What I find hardest in modern races are the jumps; taking them slow doesn't always work and you find yourself pushed to take risks. (Actually jumpmishaps are what I saw as the main reason for marshaling on the higher level races I witnessed recently)
The mark of a good marshal is the guy who knows where the LEAST amount of wrecks are going to happen. :mrgreen: I have to agree though, slow with control will beat speed for speeds sake every time. 8)

Re: First race ever

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:13 am
by Mr. ED
Just saw a vid on u-tube the other day where Jay halsey explains his tactics for winning... pretty close to what I said. Dang I missed my chance to be world champ in stock calss :mrgreen:

I still think it 's a BIG pitty stock class disapppeared from so many clubs and completely out of high level competition.
If it continued at high level, new starting raciers wouldn't see stock class as degrading.

Re: First race ever

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:24 am
by joeh51
I agree,in my opinion the stock classes often times have better racing because the competition is closer,often times drivers move up to the faster classes when there driving skill isn't quite where it should be and the faster classes end up with more crashes then the stock or beginner classes

Re: First race ever

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:28 am
by Mr. ED
The worst thing is does guys then get all frustrated about not being able to follow, buy loads of stuff with little effect and quit. Waiste for the hobby.

Re: First race ever

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:40 am
by markt311
so... how did your first race go? I hope you had fun over everything else.

I got the chance to race against 2 old school rc10's last night and we had a blast! The B4 ran away with the win but the 3 old rc10's finished less than 2 seconds apart.

We were running 10.5 buggy, my brushed 19turn felt like I was running mod back in the old days. It sounded mean!!

Re: First race ever

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 10:29 am
by vintage AE
well, i came in last, but had a blast doing it. I was racing against local veterans of 2wd 1/10 scale racers. I had my first 2 rc10s for sale in one of the racer's hobby shop 13 years ago. I am on a small vacation right now so you guys are going to have to wait for photos and video. I had brought along my B4 to the race just in case??? but am glad i did. A basement with pillars and concrete walls is no place for my rc10 racer. i took one bad hit and moved all of my electronics to the B4, which was not tuned at all. Espically for counterclockwise oval racing, lol. My B4 was bought off ebay for just over $50 and was a rtr...I bent a dogbone and a tie rod after I snapped another tierod in two. that's what happens when the left steering isn't dialed in and you hit walls i guess. I got a carbon upgrade for it and will be getting TI tie rods for the next race.

post pics and video in a few days

Re: First race ever

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 8:39 pm
by vintage AE
i'm back are some photos.

some guys playing with their choppers before the race
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DSCN08511.JPG (26.28 KiB) Viewed 1051 times
there was just 6 of us, so it was pretty relaxed
DSCN08522.JPG (37.14 KiB) Viewed 1051 times
DSCN08522.JPG (37.14 KiB) Viewed 1051 times
here is a short video to give an idea of the race. It was 3 5min races with 2heats