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kyosho Icarus and cox bandido

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 10:33 am
by matthew john
i got these from Gary (redscampi) in a trade, thanks gary! the 2 bandidos with the red tubs where completly stripped down and cleaned up. then i made one good one using all the parts from the 2. the best one is the one with the black body,next best one is the one with the white body. then in a later trade ( i actually still owe car a car or two :lol: ) i got a black bandido and black icarus that where completly in pieces. the kyosho icarus is almost completed, i need to fix the roll cage and strip the driver figure down and mount the tires. the bandido that has a black tub is still being built.
the first 2 bandidos will be getting tore down and cleaned again, they are dirty already from ONLY shelf duty :lol:

i guess with these cars you realy cant "restore" them. more like just tear them down and clean them up,replace bushings with bearings, and thats about it.. at least thats all that the "restorations" ive done was :lol:
heres some pics , one red bandido might have a new owner here soon, the rest i will post pics as i go along. these pics are about 2 weeks old, only new pics coming up will be the finshed result of the icarus and the last bandido, the final result of the red bandido with black body.

nicest shelfer , built from parts from 2 bandido's. needs another cleaning and electrics owner soon maybe :(
next nicest one.this one now has a clear body,might have a new owner soon
the box of parts, in here is a bandio and icarus , the bandido will get the white body on the car above
the parts spread out.
this is the icarus almost completed.still needs some work,will sit on the shelf as a roller.

the 1st bandido has a upcoming teardown/cleaning and final assembly coming up. the black bandido and icarus are still underconstruction.will have some pics up in a few days ( working half days and only 3 days this week 8) gotta love REAR D !!)

Re: kyosho Icarus and cox bandido

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 10:43 am
by Asso_man!
Gotta love the Icarus! :mrgreen:


Re: kyosho Icarus and cox bandido

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 8:07 pm
by Prince Steve
Did you guys notice that head band thingy she's wearing, ( Shees ) who dresses these models. True 80's :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: kyosho Icarus and cox bandido

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 8:18 pm
by besty22
Nice collection Matt.

I will post a couple of pics of mine when they are complete.
Hope that trade works out on the second Bandido :wink:


Re: kyosho Icarus and cox bandido

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 8:13 am
by matthew john
heres some more pics i found of when i first got them . the one on the right side is the one i made the nicest after i stripped both.

this is what it looked like before i did anything to it. just switched a few parts and cleaned it.

the one on the left torn down will be the nicer one.the one still hole is the parts one, only had a few nicer parts i swapped.

when it was completed i had a set of white rims on it, but in another trade i had gotten some chrome wheels that looked cool so they went on it. this car will be getting torn down again soon, needs another cleaning, and ill be installing some bearings.
later on ill also have some build pics of the Icarus and 3rd bandido.

Re: kyosho Icarus and cox bandido

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 7:42 pm
by sixdub
Cool Bandidos! They are simple, but addictive! My first hobby grade car was a Bandido and a few years ago, I decided to get my hands on another one. I ended up building the whole series of buggys based on the tub chassis (Cox Bandido and Ultra Stock (toyota supra celica body), Kyosho Pegasus, Icarus, and Cosmo).


Re: kyosho Icarus and cox bandido

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 8:50 pm
by Bullfrog
Very nice matthew john, i see you have a few spare parts, i'm building one at the moment and i have just brought nip the Pi-6 parts, got it the other day and the bottom arm set was missing from the packet, can you help ?

cheers Bullfrog

Re: kyosho Icarus and cox bandido

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 10:55 pm
by matthew john
which one is missing the one in the pic? i have an extra front end piece ,but not both ends. the extra parts are the 3rd bandido from gary that never got assembled :lol:
i may have wat you need, just not for sure!

Re: kyosho Icarus and cox bandido

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 6:04 am
by Bullfrog
hi mate, yes its the picture that i've attached that i need, its the front lower wishbone uni (the lower arms)
if you can help out it would be great

cheers Bullfrog

Re: kyosho Icarus and cox bandido

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:49 am
by amsa116
The Kyosho Icarus was my first ever car than came the rc10 and the jrx-2