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City sponsored tracks

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:12 pm
by top cat mike
I am not sure if this even goes here but here we go. I am trying to get my local municipality to build a RC park. The Village I live in currently has over 430 acres of parks so space shouldn't be a problem. The village is forward thinking in my opinion as they have a skate park. I am wondering if anybody has tried anything like this with any success. I have found a few cities that offer ones for their citizens and was hoping to get a few more examples.

Thanks for any information you guys/gals can provide.

Re: City sponsored tracks

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:25 pm
by bearrickster
years ago I went through Rec & Parks they were ready to offer room in a park, but they wanted me to build it run it and give them all of the money it made. with nothing going toward keeping it up or any improvements.

Re: City sponsored tracks

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:44 pm
by shane
Wow, Bearrickster. That is just wrong!
I have a local track (paved oval, at that) that is located at a public park. It is serviced by a club. Anyone can use it, as long as no race is going on and you don't turn on the lights. It is nice to have public track. I don't think they have to pay the Township because the land use to be a private amusement park that is now, a public park. The track was there before the park was made public.

Re: City sponsored tracks

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:46 pm
by top cat mike
wow Bearrickster...I don't think I will be moving to Hollywood Md anytime soon :)

Re: City sponsored tracks

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:52 pm
by bearrickster
top cat mike wrote:wow Bearrickster...I don't think I will be moving to Hollywood Md anytime soon :)
I wouldn't its RC hell!! the closest hobby shop is 2 1/2 hours away. I have to order paint. the only thing I can get local is screws and bolts at the local Fastenal it sucks. their was a track but the shop closed up.we tried to rent it back from them as a club, they still own the land so they had a company come it and bulldoze it up so we would stop using it. the guy who owned it had a strok and his Son took it over and he hated the hobbyshop and I think us.

Re: City sponsored tracks

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:04 pm
by vintage88
my home town belleville illinois built its own rc car track and maintains it i havent ran there as i now live in north carolina but my dad has ran there with ultimas and rc10s with success

Re: City sponsored tracks

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:30 pm
by bearrickster
I have thought about doing it again. I am sure I could get the land but I cant afford the timeing system or even know were to get one? I have even thought about doing some parking lot racing like we use to with some touring cars. but you still need money to get started. and my Daughter is moveing to Va Beach next month and I saw some tracks down their so my son in law and I are going to do some racing this summer.

Re: City sponsored tracks

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:34 pm
by top cat mike
I did get a response from my local Park District and will attach what they sent back to me. I guess the track I would like to see built would be be more 1/10 friendly. In my opinion that would be more conducive to introducing newer people to the track. The area I am lacking in is the detailed information that the person is looking for. I want to ensure that I give proper facts to increase the likelihood that this can actually happen. Any suggestions that you can provide me with as always would be greatly appreciated.

"Thank you for your email regarding an R/C Track. We are always open to new ideas and we are constantly evaluating our parks and what we have to offer. When a resident makes a request we are happy to look into it and see if it is a viable project to undertake. I am not that familiar with an R/C Track. Is the track in Joliet run by the Park District or by a private operator? What type of space is required and can you give me some detailed information on what goes into developing an R/C Track? Thanks"

Re: City sponsored tracks

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 12:11 pm
by arf
In Los Angeles the city wants to see:

Proof of insurance. That anyone injured will be independently covered and not sue the city for medical costs. Requiring ROAR membership for all racers covers this.

A club charter. A description of what the club does, how it does it and rules for racing. Again, as an example, the ROAR rule book covers this. The city especially wants to know that this is a family enterprise with no drinking or gambling.

A business plan. Essentially, an estimate of how many racers will attend how many days a year, how much money you will make and how you will spend it.

Alternate track locations. The city will want to put the track somewhere zoned for high noise levels, where racers don't have to urinate in the bushes, and where local businesses like food vendors will benefit from the racer's pocket money.

Pictures. Worth a thousand words. A video of a racing event will help if the city council hasn't a clue about RC racing.

A testimonial. A letter from some respectable citizen who thinks RC racing is a good idea, like a Police Chief or local church group.

I'd want to have all this ready in a nice presentation book before I went in. Talk is cheap, a prepared, written proposal gets you noticed.

Re: City sponsored tracks

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 7:48 pm
by top cat mike
Thanks for the information Arf... I sent in a PowerPoint last night and the director really liked my idea... I really haven't formed a club or anything like that I just thought it would be nice to have instead of driving up and down my block... I was thinking of the club after the track kind of like field of dreams. Build it and they will come.

Re: City sponsored tracks

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:23 am
by dave fugate
Dirt Burners in St Louis is in a state park, they seem to do pretty well.

Re: City sponsored tracks

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 9:18 pm
by noony
We(Five friends and I) have a track that's located in a county park,A couple of things the park required was we had to have some form of sanctioning body and insurance, we have ROAR for both the sanctioning and insurance. We are a non profit club (all of the money gos back into the track,what there is of lease the land but its our responsibility to maintain it.This will be our ninth racing season,I believe we are Michigan's oldest running out door track.
