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What the hex? Nice tools!

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:24 pm
by flipwils11
When I came back to the hobby about a year ago (with my son's 4th birthday and an RC18MT) I went to Sears and bought a hex wrench set. I mean the kind you see that sit in a plastic caddy and the wrenches are L-shaped.

Since discovering this site (and just how much $$$ I could really invest to get back into this and relive my 1980's goldpan RC10 childhood) I've still been using these same wrenches. I've stripped screws, faced tough threads that wore my fingers raw from using the damn L wrenches, all sorts of "fun". I did a search on rctech and read about what Hex wrenches folks recommended. While it was apparent that cost no object, Hudy was the best, there were also strong recommendations for the Losi wrench set as well as Dynamite. I ended up buying these:

And a couple of these piecemeal:

I have to say the Dynamites are beautifully made wrenches and I'm very happy to have them as backups, but the Losi set is just a masterpiece in CNC. I tackled some tough to thread screws in my B3 runner and was overjoyed at the ease of using these compared to the Sears, L-shaped hex wrenches.

So if you're using old, crappy tools, the lesson learned is stop being a cheapskate and spend some money not on upgrade parts like that new brushless motor, instead buy nice tools!

Re: What the hex? Nice tools!

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:49 pm
by CamplinP
Thanks for the info. There is nothing like the right tool for the job. I have an OK set but should upgrade. The delima is I need the tools to make my brushless fly. :wink:

Re: What the hex? Nice tools!

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:00 am
by RichieRich
I use the Dynamite ones myself. They are sturdy and a good price. I haven't worn one out yet. I've tried some other brands and I've managed to round them off.

Re: What the hex? Nice tools!

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:56 pm
by jacsac
There is no substitute for good tools and a great radio.

I have a couple of the Losi tools, a full set of the dynamite's, and even some Integy's :( . I have been using the Losi and Dynamite ones going on seven years now. I busted one .05" on a screw in all of that time. The best way to protect your tips is to make sure they are going in a clean hole.

Re: What the hex? Nice tools!

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:06 pm
by aconsola
jacsac wrote:The best way to protect your tips is to make sure they are going in a clean hole.
had to quote that before Scr8p or CDS got to it. 8)

Re: What the hex? Nice tools!

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:06 pm
by jacsac
I give advise that has real world applications as well.

If you have never had a hangover at a three day race, your doing it wrong.