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10 Years Later.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 7:29 am
by Mazdaj
On the 10th anniversary of 9/11 I hope we can all in our own way take a minute to remember those that we lost ten short years ago. I try to remember those special moments that bring a smile to your face, and not the images being shown over and over. Also, a big thank you to all those who risked their lives to prevent more lives from being lost. God bless.

Re: 10 Years Later.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:57 am
by adam lancia
Just poured myself a shot of Canadian Club to mark the time of the first plane crash. Sad day indeed, let's hope something like this will never happen again.

Re: 10 Years Later.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 11:18 pm
by slotcarrod
I went to the range today and shot some nice one inch groups at 100 yards. On the way there I remembered it was 9/11. I sure wished I had remembered before. I would have printed off some bin laden targets to shoot at! F'ing lump of shit! Killed so many non combatants, made the world a worse place! Feed the sharks bitch!

Re: 10 Years Later.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:18 am
by RC10Talk
Today in honor of 911 five of my brothers and myself climbed 110 stories in honor of the 343 firefighters that lost their lives ten years ago. We were joined by over 150 other fire fighters from all over the state of WI.

We raised over $21,000 for the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation. Its was a test of endurance and what we could accomplish mentally and physically! I called it quits twice, but then continued on! Myself and four of my brothers made it to the 110th floor!

Our small department got all over the news some how. Pictures all over the news websites and three live interviews! Such an amazing day!

Here are some pictures of the event from WISN 12 news out here.

Yes, I even made one of them and so did our captain in our group!

After that I walked in a silent memorial parade.

I am exhausted! And Time for bed!

Never forget!

Re: 10 Years Later.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:30 am
by adam lancia
Bill, I didn't know you are a fireman. The stairclimb is a really great way to remember those that gave their lives on that day.

Re: 10 Years Later.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:22 am
by mrlexan
Awesome Bill! Thanks for your service!

Re: 10 Years Later.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:58 am
by RC10Talk
Im relatively new to the fire department! Been to a few fires already.... Later in the month I start my schooling! =)

Re: 10 Years Later.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:49 pm
by RC10Talk

Our chief and lieutenant were interviewed in this clip. Even a shot of me in there next to my team mate.

Re: 10 Years Later.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 3:12 pm
by slotcarrod
I was watching the 9/11 documentary, and it was very sad listening to the firemen that were huffing and puffing on the radios after climbing all those stairs, only to know in a few minutes they would all be dead! Very sad!

Re: 10 Years Later.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 5:05 pm
by illshou
I like how in times of tragidy we all come tougether to help each other out, it shows that there are still good people left in the world. Like when they grounded the planes I don't think one stranded passinger was left without a place to stay.

My wife and I were stranded in florida on our honeymoon. We were actually at the airport with our baggage checked waiting to board the plain for home. I know that everyone there went out of there way to make us feel at home.

It was one experience I will never forget.

Re: 10 Years Later.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 5:38 pm
by GJW
can't believe it's been 10 year's on from this tragedy. :cry: an aussie morning program broadcast the bar in the u.s, folks gather and have a few beer's in remembrance thought that was a nice idea.

Re: 10 Years Later.

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 7:41 pm
by MelvinsArmy
Congrats on the new job Bill!

I was in Manhattan on the morning of 9/11. I worked on 18th street at the time. I had my window open at work and heard the first plane roar over my building. I saw the second plane hit. It was such a strange day. So much has changed since then, I'm not sure for the better. I guess this is what 10 years feels like, it does seem like it's been a long time. I really hope people don't refer to the new One World Trade Center as the Freedom Tower. It is and will always be The World Trade Center.

Re: 10 Years Later.

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:31 pm
by mrlexan
MelvinsArmy wrote: I had my window open at work and heard the first plane roar over my building. I saw the second plane hit.
WOW, that's (can't think of the appropriate word) in a strange sort of potential life changing way (don't anyone take that the wrong way). TV is TV and I wouldn't be a real man if I didn't admit I did get emotional Sunday morning.... but to actually see it. Many things this year have offered me a different outlook on things, but that would definitely affect my thoughts toward life.

You planning on visiting the memorial soon? I will get there one day. I thought about getting a pencil impression of a random name of one of the first responders and keeping it as a reminder to never to forget.

Re: 10 Years Later.

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:44 pm
by MelvinsArmy
It was life changing to say the least. It was such a beautiful morning and turned into such a strange day. I remember people saying that witnessing it was "like watching a movie". I couldn't disagree more. There was nothing movie-like about it.

I was living in Jersey City at the time and had to take the ferry back because all the trains were stopped. Riding the ferry back across the Hudson and looking at a giant black cloud of smoke where the World Trade Center used to be was unnerving. Those buildings were such a prominent piece of the skyline, you could see them from most of lower Manhattan, most of Jersey City and Brooklyn too. It was as if the sun itself was knocked out of the sky.

Probably won't visit the memorial real soon. You have to get a ticket to see it and I think they're reserved for quite a while already. I will of course see it eventually. I have seen the new World Trade Center, actually I see it every morning as I cross the Williamsburg Bridge on my bike going to work.

Re: 10 Years Later.

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:58 pm
by mrlexan
None of us will forget where were on 9/11, but I equate seeing that, at least for me, equal to seeing the Challenger explode. The only difference there was I wasn't not an adult, I was in 8th grade, but remember it like it was yesterday.