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AYK Gator/Sidewinder gearbox question

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:04 am
by BloodClod
Hi guys,

I just picked up and restored an AYK Gator/Sidewinder... really a nice looking car. I'm thinking it's probably the first mid-motor 2WD buggy designed eh? :)

Anyway, I put a black can in there and took it for a spin and it seems that the plastic diff bevel gears seem to flex under torque - sometimes enough for the diff gears to "slip" and when that happens I can hear a clicking coming from the gearbox. Have tried adding some shims which help but don't totally eliminate this.

It may be a longshot but I'm wondering if anyone here has any ideas on how to fix this issue.

I intend to run this car at our local annual vintage event so any other tips on how to improve the performance of this car would be great!

One last question - know of anyone doing repros of the shell? The one I have is in decent shape but a new one would rock! :)

Thanks in advance.

Re: AYK Gator/Sidewinder gearbox question

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 7:50 pm
by RC10_Bill
The grinding gear problem is common with the AYK Gator.

Re: AYK Gator/Sidewinder gearbox question

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 4:52 pm
by RC10_Bill
I have a set of Metal Gears that replace the plastic ones and do not flex.

Re: AYK Gator/Sidewinder gearbox question

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 9:12 pm
by Goshootergo
Who made the metal gears ?

Re: AYK Gator/Sidewinder gearbox question

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 6:16 pm
by HS31337
I am just in the process of starting an AYK Gator rebuild. It is actually my first after having been away from the hobby for over 20 years. I got the bug when I saw they re-released my first car, the Rough Rider.

Anyway, using this site for reference, I made a guess that the Gator/Sidewinder body was used again on the Bobcat. (1983 tab on top will take you to the Gator/Sidewinder)

You can order a Bobcat body from our friends in Canada. I don't know if it is an exact match or not which does not bother me but might bug you.

Re: AYK Gator/Sidewinder gearbox question

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 9:39 am
by RC10_Bill
Back in the day I bought the gears from Circus Hobby. I cannot recall if they were AYK brand or aftermarket. The metal gears and a sticker kit is all I have left of my Gator. I really miss that car and wish I could find one.

Re: AYK Gator/Sidewinder gearbox question

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 10:09 pm
I bought a Boxer (same as Bobcat and Buffalo) new back in the 80s. The diff is the same than in the Gator (or Sidewinder) and the gears were metal. I always had probles with it. Nilon gears worked better IMO. Having said that AYK also made ball diffs but those are rare...

Re: AYK Gator/Sidewinder gearbox question

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 7:30 pm
by TomEG
Here is how the mentioned ball diff looks:
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