big bear shock help

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big bear shock help

Post by bosco72 »

Does anyone know the best way to put oil filled shocks on a big bear

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Re: big bear shock help

Post by klavy69 »

Welcome to the forum bosco but let me take a stab at this without actually owning a big bear.

1. first feed him alot of fresh meat to the point where he is really full and lethargic.
2. give him some fresh warm water and maybe some milk.
3. start feeding him again until he gets so full that he is tired and needs to take a nap.
4. once he falls asleep set the shocks on him and run like hell cuz if he wakes up he can still run faster than you.

Hope this helped and you can run fast or this will pry be your last post :mrgreen: . Now can someone step in here and help out the new guy...and me :wink:

Peace and professionlism.....Kabunga signing off!!!

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Re: big bear shock help

Post by Incredible_Serious »

Would that procedure work on a Big Grizzly as well?

klavy69 wrote:Welcome to the forum bosco but let me take a stab at this without actually owning a big bear.

1. first feed him alot of fresh meat to the point where he is really full and lethargic.
2. give him some fresh warm water and maybe some milk.
3. start feeding him again until he gets so full that he is tired and needs to take a nap.
4. once he falls asleep set the shocks on him and run like hell cuz if he wakes up he can still run faster than you.

Hope this helped and you can run fast or this will pry be your last post :mrgreen: . Now can someone step in here and help out the new guy...and me :wink:

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Re: big bear shock help

Post by klavy69 »

Incredible_Serious wrote:Would that procedure work on a Big Grizzly as well?


Thanx for your interest and question. After some deliberation and very deep pondering I came up with an answer...Yes, I believe it would.

Peace and professionlism.....Kabunga signing off!!!

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