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Hi, new, RC10T

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 9:41 pm
by T Diddy
Hi all,
First post, I will try to keep it brief! :lol: I've been into RC for about 30 years. I recently went to clean out the garage and found all my stuff...I knew it was there, just wasn't doing anything with it. I have an RC10T3 runner for me, an RC10T runner for my wife, an HPI MT18SS nitro runner, A Clod Buster Clodzilla IV for chasing cats and crushing things, and a few helicopters. Those are the ones I play with. But I found all my other stuff and so I started fixing them up thinking of selling them and making some room. I started with my Tamiya stuff, I got it all lookin good and am selling them...they were fun to build and all, but not that much fun to drive. Then I came across some older chassis and thought perhaps I should see if I can build one or two. My main goal was just to make room in the garage...I don't want to spend very much I am starting with the car pictured below. As I started, I found that these are much harder to let go than the Tamiyas. I only build to drive, and I NEED to make wife drives RC and flies the choppers, but if she says clean, I must clean, I already have one room filled with guitars and watches! I would love to hear your opinions on what I should do with this truck. I am only using parts I have or parts I can clean. The rust is driving me crazy and the white plastic has been stained and yellowing...I have them soaking in peroxide and sitting in the the shocks, stripping them, basically going to rebuild it from scratch....I want to dye the white plastic...thoughts...and Thanks to everyone who posts all the quality info I have used so far...

Re: Hi, new, RC10T

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:11 pm
by klavy69
T Diddy wrote: I would love to hear your opinions on what I should do with this truck.
keep it and sell the guitars 8)

Welcome to the board. you'll find getting rid of these after toiling over the rebuilding and cleaning is hard. What color you thinkin of dying the parts? personally I think white really sets that green off but I have seen black also and looks good. Either way its gonna rock. I think my favorite powdercoated chassis are the green ones like yours. Keep us posted on how it turns out.


Re: Hi, new, RC10T

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:31 pm
by T Diddy
Thanks Todd,
It is kind of a drag, but I have no choice...I can't sell the axes! But I am in absolutely NO hurry to part with these. I'm having a blast and so is my wife...we watch you tube vids..and read posts....she says" That's YOU"!!! The one that cracked her up was the..." I know I have that part somewhere"...and then me spending hours re-arranging everything in the house to find it...But I will find it...I was thinking of dying the white a very very dark purple/ would look mostly black...with the green, I have both gold shocks and gun-metal green shocks...I want to keep it original for the most part no matter what. If you have, or anyone else, a good rust remover...or any suggestions, I would love to hear them. I really want to make this nice, with stuff I have, and have a lot of fun doing so...I have the most fun building them and might have something to do with the fact that I can't drive for beans...which I don't know why I would want to drive for beans, cuz I really don't even like beans...but fast is good...obnoxiously fast is much better

Re: Hi, new, RC10T

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:51 pm
by klavy69
check thru this thread about some rust removal info.:
T Diddy wrote:I can't sell the axes!
sell the watches then :P.

You just gotta sell more of those to make the same amount of room to store these r/c...


Re: Hi, new, RC10T

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:29 pm
by T Diddy
Thanks for the rust removal link...I think I will look into the kits. Everything is straight, just a bit rusty. I'm thinking I will build it with the white plastic, see how it looks and then decide whether or not to dye the parts...can't go back, so I had better make sure. I should have it close sometime this week and I'll throw up some pics and see what people think..
Thanks again for the link,

RC10T Cheap rebuild update

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:47 pm
by T Diddy
Hi All,
Well...I got some great info on the rust removal. PB Blaster is the King! I wasn't going to rebuild the trans, but it was coming along nice and I was having fun. So I just ripped through the whole thing...why not? So it is still far from done. I had to order some diff lube and a few other misc. parts. But I did well. Only parts I had on hand so far. I did break down and get some wheels and tires. Couldn't pass up the deal. I had originals, but the tires were shot and the wheels were already dyed. I have a couple of placeholder screws, blue aluminum, until I either find them in a box somewhere, or I break down and order them. But other than that, new shock oil, ect. it has been stuff I had, knew I had, took up space, but never put it all together. I think it made a difference. Let me know what you think and any ideas on a body and where to get it. Got some great advice here and I appreciate it. Excellent resource. I have the original body, but it is hashed. I have the new old stock wheels and tires coming, white, but I almost kind of like the neon yellow...looks good with the green, kind of like a fast mountain dew can or my paint schemes are going wild in my mind....any help or thoughts there are also greatly appreciated. Thanks for all the help and I will keep you all posted.

Re: RC10T Cheap rebuild update

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:49 pm
by klavy69
That sure is purdy!


Re: RC10T Cheap rebuild update

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:01 pm
by T Diddy
Thanks Todd,
It has been a very crazy adventure. It was very hard to not spend money...just wanted to see if I could do it with what I had on hand. Any body ideas?

Re: RC10T Cheap rebuild update

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:34 pm
by T Diddy
Oh and maybe I can actually give some advice...I researched the " peroxide" method of advice...if you live where there is sun, just clean with soap and water,...soak for a few days...scrub and clean as best you can, then throw in a glass bowl full of peroxide and set in the back yard in the sun for about 4 or 5 light bulbs needed. same principle, just takes longer and is cheaper and less irritating. So I hope I helped someone.

Re: RC10T Cheap rebuild update

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:50 pm
by klavy69
T Diddy wrote:Thanks Todd,
It has been a very crazy adventure. It was very hard to not spend money...just wanted to see if I could do it with what I had on hand. Any body ideas?
sounds like mrlexan will be repopping the rc10t body shortly. Might wanna drop him a line or check in his sale area for more info...

Re: RC10T Cheap rebuild update

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 6:40 am
by Lonestar
Neon green chassis + white plastics = the shiznit :mrgreen:

Re: RC10T Cheap rebuild update

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 9:02 pm
by TerryC
Have you chosen your body yet?

Re: RC10T Cheap rebuild update

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 2:32 am
by T Diddy
OK..this is crazy...I think it was Todd who said it first...but the more I clean, the more I build, the more I want to make it....not perfect....make it mine...the more I put into it....the less I want to sell it! ...and all I wanted to do was get it good and sell it. I'm gonna peeve my wife off...still might want to sell it, but it is going to have to sell a sweet porsche...I am in trouble! I found some issues with the parts have been ordered. I had no choice but to get new e clips and other things to make it look stock but new. I cleaned up all the screws, e clips, ect. the best I could...but since they are available and the truck is lookin' sweet I figured why not. And for body....well there I have some troubles. I still have the original, but it is a little messed. I think I would love to put a new lean, low body on it. I have seen some of the T4 bodies and like them....I would like to make it like a "A Bad Ass Sheep in Wolf's Clothing " kind of thing. So I am so up for body ideas.

Re: RC10T Cheap rebuild update

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 6:31 pm
by TerryC
T Diddy wrote:....I would like to make it like a "A Bad Ass Sheep in Wolf's Clothing " kind of thing. So I am so up for body ideas.
For something other than the typical off-road truck body, I think the McAllister #240 "Modified Coupe" looks great on a truck chassis.

(P.S.: Don't sell the guitars.)


Re: RC10T Cheap rebuild update

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 9:24 pm
by klavy69
T Diddy wrote: I'm gonna peeve my wife off.
she'll get over it...if not, you'll get over her :mrgreen: