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Racing memories

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:35 am
by farmer
I was just committing on another thread,and i started thinking about all the races (other than club races) i have been to and the things that i have seen,from cars being set on fire and seeing how many laps the could do tell they melted, to seeing bryan kinwalds girlfriend fall out of her chair and roll in the dirt trying to escape a runaway gas truck,ive seen alot been racing forever,but i think the coolest thing i ever seen was .i was at a race and there was this kid,maybe 12 and he had a beat up rc10 bald tires,old tekin are futaba black box esc (this was in the day of the b3 xxx) but he was there to race, he was a novice driver and he loved that car he was pitting about 3 spots down from me, He was having a bad day the,it just would not hook up finished last in the first 2 heats,so i went over and tried to help him helped him rebuild his shocks, gearing,cut his comm down,cleaned his motor did everything i could do to help him out,next heat a lil better but his car was just to beat and his driving skills were yet to be refined, As i was sitting there getting ready for the mains i seen Adam Drake come over with a set of tires a battery and a motor ,reamed the rims and put everything in the car ,this kid was just sitting there with the biggest grin on his face,they sat and talked for awhile than they walked out to race his main which was like the D main,when the race started this kids cars took off like a rocket and was gone,amazed! than as i watched this kid drive i seen him look away from the track for like 5 seconds and his car was still driving ,than i seen it,, there was a crowed in the corner and who was in the middle MR Drake himself driving the car from inside the crowd,the kid finished first and was as happy as can be,everyone was cheering it was this kids moment ,than what was realy cool was that drake had brought a car kit for the raffle and when the called the name for the winner ,he made sure that they called this kids name he was crying when he went up there and got his kit , I know maybe not the best thing for Adam to do the driving thing,but this kid needed a lil bit of excitement in his life a lil boost shal we say ,and it made his weekend something he most likely will never forget
so anyone got some good ones
thx farmer

Re: Racing memories

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:25 am
by Goatless
Wow! What a great story! It's nice to hear positive stories like that and see that some people do care. That kid will remember that day for the rest of his life.

btw, we used to set cars on fire and drive them too, lol

Re: Racing memories

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:32 am
by Incredible_Serious
Goatless wrote:btw, we used to set cars on fire and drive them too, lol
I think farmer was more talking RC cars, matey....

Re: Racing memories

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:27 am
by littleVETTE
very cool story. there a lot of good stories when it comes to rc. especially out here in california. i've seen a lot of non sponsored drivers having troubles with batteries, motors, tranny's, tires, shocks, chassis', etc.. only to get a new one or overhaul from a sponsor or sponsored driver. and there are some out there that are devoted to the hobby that they lend a bigger helping hand at times. makes the hobby very enjoyable when you see or hear stuff like that. it supercedes the bad memories i've seen as well.

Re: Racing memories

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:26 am
by jon burrows
Goatless wrote:Wow! What a great story! It's nice to hear positive stories like that and see that some people do care. That kid will remember that day for the rest of his life.

btw, we used to set cars on fire and drive them too, lol
I guess we do it a little differently up here. First we drive the cars, then we torch em'.

Re: Racing memories

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:41 am
by farmer
well we have some people that seem to have deep pockets and empty skulls , from what i remeber how it started was these guys were putting tire treatment on there tires to make them softer (gripper sp?) and some one said you need heat ,so he set them on fire,it was supposed to be a real quik flash fire blow them out type of thing. well it didnt work he couldnt get the rears out so he he tossed it on the track and it rolled a lil bit and proceded to melt the body before they got the fire out ,so than they started setting there tires on fire and driving laps on the oval tell they went out,than it got real carried away when they would set them on fire do a quick lap than come in and hit it with motor cleaner than drive the ball of fire around,it was a site to see lots of melted bodys and rim etc etc. fun times

Re: Racing memories

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:03 am
by Goatless
:lol: We used Aquanet! I have video on VHS somewhere of some of it. Those were our bashing days before all the xxxmain videos came out :?