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Race Question - Vintage RC10 or New Buggy?

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 2:25 pm
by GeekSpeed
Hi all.

I am not new to RC, but I am relatively new to racing. I have done a little on-road, but I have been feeling the desire to try my hand at off-road. I have a good outdoor track about 5 miles from my house, which is awesome. I was considering SCT or 2wd buggy (I really like 4wd buggy, but it is not really popular, and the mod motor thing shows that it is not for beginners). Anyway, here is my dilemma:

Rebuild/mod my vintage 6-gear, gold tub RC10 or just bite the bullet and buy a new buggy. I can't spend tons of $$$ on this, so budget is definitely a consideration.

The RC10 is box-stock, circa 1987 and has been a runner, so it is not mint. I would use modern electrics, but I am trying to think of what else I should do. I was thinking of getting JC Racing wheels and some competition tires (type TBD). What else would be the minimum I should do to not be a rolling chicane? I am not saying race-winning, but not severely handicapped either.

Or should I just say forget the vintage RC10 because it would cost the same (or more) to get a new buggy appropriate for a beginning racer?


Re: Race Question - Vintage RC10 or New Buggy?

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 2:53 pm
by CamplinP
For racing I would get a B4. The goldpans handle ok, but the parts are harder to find. To convert the old car to run new stuff can be some what costly. The B4 will be better and parts are cheap and easy to find. If they have a vintage class then that would be another story.

Re: Race Question - Vintage RC10 or New Buggy?

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 3:08 pm
by Charlie don't surf
The gold tub is more fun, more looks, more attention, more money. But a nice car like the b4 is just easier....sadly

Re: Race Question - Vintage RC10 or New Buggy?

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 11:40 pm
by mdutcher
I currently have caught the vintage what is old is new bug and have several open projects going with RC10 tub chassis. I can say that I am thoroughly enjoying the experience of working on my tubs and modernizing things a little here and there. It is a bit costly for sure, but it is keeping me sane and busy when I am not working or doing family stuff. And oh yes, I do plan on racing mine. They are already drawing some awesome attention at the track. They may not be the best handling as compared to the modern designs, but it is all about fun for me. They do hold their own though on the track. Whatever you choose, good luck and have fun.

Re: Race Question - Vintage RC10 or New Buggy?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 6:47 am
by RC104ever
From everything I've read here you'd need a lot of time and $$$ in order to get your goldpan up to modern buggy standards. Not to say it isn't possible (because it definitely is) but given your budget constraints just get the B4.

I have to say, I thought my goldpan was good until I got my hands on a B44 and wow, what a difference. Much as it pains me to say it, the B44 is now my fave to drive HARD. Just takes whatever I can throw at it!

Re: Race Question - Vintage RC10 or New Buggy?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 8:39 am
by kfeldt
Just from the parts availability / cost standpoint, I'd go with a newer buggy or SCT. Especially if your track has big jumps, you will be breaking stuff...

- Keith

Re: Race Question - Vintage RC10 or New Buggy?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 12:14 pm
by ck33
+1 on breaking stuff on big jumps. I ran my graphite RC10 for a while; even found a way to mount a B4 transmission. Broke some rear arm mounts, and that was enough. Found some replacements on the bay, and now run my RC10 brushed for fun! B4 all the way for modern tracks and my bad, part breaking, driving and jumping capability!

Re: Race Question - Vintage RC10 or New Buggy?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 12:38 pm
by GeekSpeed
Thanks for the replys everyone. I had kind of come to the same conclusion. I may just end up selling the gold pan, but we'll see.

I will just need to figure out what to get. SCT is big in my area, and 2wd buggy is pretty good as well. Unfortunately for me, I really like 4wd, but for both buggy and SCT in my area, it is mod. I am sure I don't have the skill level for that. Bummer because A-Main Hobbies has a couple of great deals on Schumacher and Yokomo 4wd cars right now.

ANYway, if I go 2wd buggy, the B4 is a good car. I have run AE's forever, so I may want to try something different this time. What else is good and inexpensive? I am not a big fan of Losi, so let's stay away from that one.

Re: Race Question - Vintage RC10 or New Buggy?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:04 pm
by Charlie don't surf
I race 4WD mod all the time, nothing says you have to use a mod motor- get a decent 13.5 until your ready to move up, its very common-

Re: Race Question - Vintage RC10 or New Buggy?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 3:19 pm
by GeekSpeed
What is generally easier to drive (motors, etc, being equal)? I would think it would be 4wd would be easier, especially under braking. I am concerned with a 2wd buggy that the rear end would come around on me all the time.

Re: Race Question - Vintage RC10 or New Buggy?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 4:07 pm
by Charlie don't surf
GeekSpeed wrote:What is generally easier to drive (motors, etc, being equal)? I would think it would be 4wd would be easier, especially under braking. I am concerned with a 2wd buggy that the rear end would come around on me all the time.
4wd like you mentioned is more tractable everywhere so its inherently easier to drive a consistent line. They are also more difficult to set up because of that traction allowing so little slip of the front and rear wheels and can hamper a new drivers ability to transition to a 2WD class because of the lack of grip later. Bottom line is, go with what feels right to you for right now, there is trade off in both, do what you might enjoy the most!

Re: Race Question - Vintage RC10 or New Buggy?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 4:32 pm
by GeekSpeed
Thanks Charlie, I really appreciate your input.