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Raborn Racing Invencer (xt?)

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 6:58 pm
by justinspeed79
Some pics of my Raborn Racing Invencer XT. At least I now believe it is an XT, still waiting to hear from the experts. These are just some cell phone pics. Eventually I will get some better pics of it. I am going to do a resto on it eventually, but there are too many irons in the fire already, so this one is one the back burner for now.






Re: Raborn Racing Invencer (xt?)

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 7:13 pm
by Charlie don't surf
Nice find! Airs shell and all.... 8)

Re: Raborn Racing Invencer (xt?)

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 7:39 pm
by justinspeed79
Thanks Reggie. I was super excited when I got this one. The craigslist add said it was a 10T, imagine my surprise when I got my hands on it. I knew what it was since I had seen the one at M&M, and looked into them a little out of curiosity. From what I hear they weren't the greatest performing chassis, but it sure is cool! The Airs body was the icing on the cake for sure! 8)

Re: Raborn Racing Invencer (xt?)

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:15 pm
by SFC K
That is really unique looking. Nice find as well. :shock: 8)

Re: Raborn Racing Invencer (xt?)

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:37 pm
by LTO_Dave
That's a beauty! That AIRS body looks right at home on there. It looks to have the original kit foams on it too, I think Pro-Line cone dish wheels (#2007, 2008) since it has the decals?

I've always wondered what other parts were anodized purple since I've never seen color pics of one before. :mrgreen:

I'm not too sure what exactly the differences were between the X-10, EM-10 and XT-10 besides the chassis, but that sure looks like the XT if I had to guess. :wink:

EDIT: Here are some Raborn ad scans showing the X-10 and EM-10 cars:

Re: Raborn Racing Invencer (xt?)

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 10:36 pm
by knucklebuster
Nice find! Looks like the last guy settled on the largest possible spur gear :shock:

Re: Raborn Racing Invencer (xt?)

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:10 pm
by Charlie don't surf
Odd that with the purple motor plate, cartridges, and diff....but no shock caps...

That could be an latemodel with buggy foams, the rear body mount and front bumper, which would hide those hits to the front-

Re: Raborn Racing Invencer (xt?)

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:14 am
by fredswain
Justin, where are you at in Houston? I am good friends with Barry Raborn. I'm sure he'd love to see that. Maybe he could sign it.

Re: Raborn Racing Invencer (xt?)

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:24 pm
by justinspeed79
fredswain wrote:Justin, where are you at in Houston? I am good friends with Barry Raborn. I'm sure he'd love to see that. Maybe he could sign it.
I am actually north of Houston in magnolia. I put Houston in my profile because nobody knows where magnolia Did you see my comments in the scans section? I directed a couple questions to you about the whole Raborn/M&M connection. I would love to meet Mr. Raborn and get a signature on my truck. I also would love to get a new chassis plate and wheels and foams! :wink: :mrgreen:

Re: Raborn Racing Invencer (xt?)

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:18 pm
by fredswain
I know where Magnolia is. I grew up in Spring and worked in Magnolia for almost 5 years. Barry lives in Bellaire inside the loop. He's only about 10 minutes away from M&M. He'd love to see it. Let me know when you want to go over there to see his other toys and I'll set it up.