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Request for addition to the FAQ - "Vintage"

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 6:29 pm
by lifeIsAnalog
Here's a request for a bullet item in the rc10talk FAQ. Is there an "official" forum definition of when something becomes "Vintage"? The question entered my mind as I was about to post a topic for a 1998 era buggy.

The age definition of vintage R/C is subjective and open to some opinion, so I think it would be cool to have a site admin pick an age. Doesn't mean it becomes a hard and fast rule, but more of a guideline. I would suggest 15 years at a minimum.

Re: Request for addition to the FAQ - "Vintage"

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 11:51 pm
by scr8p
me personally, i don't want to see anything newer than 95-96 on here.

but if it doesn't have to be a hard and fast rule why bother even mentioning it? i would love nothing more that this to be like the traditonal hot rod site i frequent. it's pre 1964. you post anything 1965 or newer, it gets deleted. period. that's how it should be here.... around 95-96.

oh, you got a new b4.2 with a dumb ass cab forward body, huh? deleted.

check out your new sc10? deleted.

you scored an awesome t-maxx? deleted.

but that's me....

Re: Request for addition to the FAQ - "Vintage"

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 12:00 am
by knucklebuster
Yeah, I felt bad about posting my only "new" rig, the t3, in the truck forum. :oops:

My old prepay cell phone, a dumb phone, is probably considered vintage, if not archaic. Funny thing, my old phone actually still functions as a phone :lol:

Re: Request for addition to the FAQ - "Vintage"

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 12:19 am
by RichieRich
scr8p wrote:
oh, you got a new b4.2 with a dumb ass cab forward body, huh? deleted.

Re: Request for addition to the FAQ - "Vintage"

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 12:51 am
by lifeIsAnalog
scr8p wrote:me personally, i don't want to see anything newer than 95-96 on here.

but if it doesn't have to be a hard and fast rule why bother even mentioning it? i would love nothing more that this to be like the traditonal hot rod site i frequent. it's pre 1964. you post anything 1965 or newer, it gets deleted. period. that's how it should be here.... around 95-96.
I hear ya. That is one angle to take, and you could certainly do that. One thing that attracted and still attracts me to this forum is the vintage foundation and vibe. Alternatively, though, I don't think all aspects have to be black or white. Sometimes it just helps certain folks to have a reference for what is expected or desired by the general population - guidelines to help decide where things should get posted.

I guess the alternative question to yours is, what does it hurt? I've been on the 'net since the beginning and know forums can take on a delicate balance that, once established, is best left alone. So I'll just pose it as food for thought. This is definitely one of the better forums out there, regardless of the subject.

Re: Request for addition to the FAQ - "Vintage"

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 1:18 am
by Coelacanth
Lots of guys here definitely prefer vintage RC, but many also have modern runners/racers that they like to share, and that's fine by me because those guys already shared a great deal of vintage stuff. Earned their keep, so-to-speak. But I guess a new member who shows up and wants to show off his new (or merely 10-year-old) car, we're just not interested. is great for that, you can go there and see hundred-plus-page threads on all the new cars, all of them with vaguely similar garish & copy-cat paintjobs, none of them very inspirational or reminiscent of "the good ol' days".

So, if your first reason for joining here is to share your vintage RCs, we're all ears & eyes. Share the pics, everybody loves it. We love your stories from back in the day and how you got back into RC. We love your restoration & rebuild threads.

We just don't want to see the same humdrum bleah that you can find at a dozen other websites out there that are *not* specifically devoted to vintage RC. ;)

Re: Request for addition to the FAQ - "Vintage"

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 1:30 am
by scr8p
what does it hurt........

well at first, nothing. i never really had a problem with a member posting pics and talking about their modern cars, as long as they didn't make a habit out of it. i knew that more than a few guys were still weekly racers but the majority of the content they put on this site was old stuff.

but anymore, and i'm not trying to pick on some of the newer guys over the last year or two, you can tell they have no real idea what this site is about. they probably found their way here by doing some google search for (insert modern thing here) and said....... oh cool, rc10talk. then proceed to sign up and talk about their 4x4 sc10 or whatever. it's happening more and more and it's just getting on my nerves. the way i look at it, the less new stuff that is on this board the less it will show up in people's searches (or that's my wish). :P

sure, we could probably add a forum just for modern cars/trucks but why should we have too? there's plenty of other sites on the net that cater to that it already. and i'll bet 9 out of 10 guys are already members on those sites. :wink:

Re: Request for addition to the FAQ - "Vintage"

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:26 am
by kaiser
i'm guilty of posting some modern stuff, but the reason i do it isn't to "show it off", but to get advice from guy's i trust.
i like to talk setups, what works, what doesn't....

there are some excellent rc "minds" on this board, guys i feel comfortable with and who's opinion i value. ask a setup question on rctech and you'll get flooded with bad advice.

we can't race vintage all the time, even though we'd like too.

Re: Request for addition to the FAQ - "Vintage"

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:29 am
by Coelacanth
kaiser wrote:ask a setup question on rctech and you'll get flooded with bad advice.
So true.

Here's another grey area; many of us resto-modding our vintage cars need to learn & share info about installing modern electronics in them. Also, a few of us trying to improve weak links in our vintage car chassis' to make them more durable or bulletproof them, like to share info on what modern aftermarket parts will swap in for weak OEM vintage parts. Now is that 25-plus-year-old RC car with modern parts & electronics installed considered 'vintage' anymore? ;)

Re: Request for addition to the FAQ - "Vintage"

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:55 am
by RC10th
I don't think a modern Associated sub forum is a bad thing, it would keep "newer" stuff off the main board and neatly keep it in one area. I like "some" modern stuff and enjoy an occasional chat about it , but I wouldn't join RC Tech to do so.

As far as "I got a new T-maxx", that crap can go somewhere else.

Speaking of which why do we even have a Traxxas section :lol:

Re: Request for addition to the FAQ - "Vintage"

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:04 am
by Coelacanth
RC10th wrote:Speaking of which why do we even have a Traxxas section :lol:
Well, they *do* go back to 1986, same as the other brands when things really started to get popular with offroad buggies, and into the late 80's with the TRX-1 and Blue Eagle. I find those old chassis designs *ahem* borrowed a lot from AE and Kyosho.

Re: Request for addition to the FAQ - "Vintage"

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:09 am
by RC10th
Don't get me wrong, dare I say it some Traxxas vehicles were cool like the TCP and SRT.

Re: Request for addition to the FAQ - "Vintage"

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 4:27 pm
by flipwils11
I just bought a B4.2 actually and I'll be fitting a metal chassis to it, plus it's my first modern 1/10th scale. I was planning to post the thread in the tech section since as others have stated, what I'm really looking for is advice from some of the expert racers on here on a setup and starting point.

I agree with most of what Jason said though, if things get flooded here (regardless of the subforum it's on) with sc10 4x4 and a bunch of modern stuff, then it does defeat the underlying intent of the community and site I guess.

It's a judgement call about when it gets out of hand, but I guess it's like porn; you know it when you see it.

Re: Request for addition to the FAQ - "Vintage"

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 6:39 pm
by marlo
I have no say here, but, I would like to keep it all vintage, The reason I joined on, was when I saw the"25 years 0f rc10". It looked to be, and is something I can relate to, "vintage". I have seen other site's, but had no interest. RC10Talk has turned out to be the go to place when 1st gen. cars come to mind.

Re: Request for addition to the FAQ - "Vintage"

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:37 pm
by RC104ever
Well - funny enough that I have mostly vintage stuff but have a couple of newer pieces like the T4 and B44. And although I am a member on and, I don't have nearly the same level of involvement and interest for those forums as I do for this one.

Most of that is because the guys here are just so much more passionate and knowledgeable about everything RC related - and if I can help the newer guys here, I'd much rather do it for this forum and pay it forward some how.

So is it because I'm more into vintage than modern? Maybe, but I think it has more to do with the people here than what we are talking about.

As an aside, I really do love the T4 and B44, they are just awesome to drive. But the Sand Scorcher and RC10's are just as much fun, but in different ways.