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MRP Pro-110 and Stage II

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 8:32 am
by matt1ptkn
So I know there are a few other threads related to the Pro-110, but information about both the Pro-110 and Stage II is very scarce and scattered sparingly throughout the web. So I thought I'd take a stab at gathering everything I could in one place, just in case anyone was as curious about MRP's old buggies as I am.

My MRP history began when I purchased a Stage II brand new in about 1992 for $95.40. I got it from my LHS and had to put it on lay-a-way. I’ve had this buggy ever since and would consider myself knowledgeable about it; I have rebuilt it several times, probably broke and replaced every part on it and cleaned out my LHS’ parts supply along with all the parts that could be found throughout the country, including direct from MRP! (This was all back before eBay.) Since owning the buggy, I have converted it to a truck, acquired an additional Stage II in pieces and reassembled it as best as could be done and most recently purchased a very nice Pro 110. Though parts are still scarce, I have purchased some new parts here and there and have restored the Pro 110 and am still working on one of my Stage IIs. I had planned to race one of the Stage IIs again at my local track, which is a carpet oval, but the vintage class never got off the ground. I recently fitted a TBG body to the Stage II and it really brought back some memories. The Pro 110 I bought came with a new, untrimmed original MRP body. It was missing the inner driver shell though.

Anyway, the Pro-110 and Stage II history that I know:
The Pro 110 was released around 1985-86 as a competitive off road race kit. Supposedly it was to compete with the RC10, but never really did. While maybe innovative, the buggy was not all that durable. It incorporated a ball diff transmission that could be mounted with a rear motor setup or rotated for a mid-motor setup. (This feature carried over to the Stage II but as far as I can tell was not advertised on that buggy.) The buggy came stock with an adjustable ball differential and ball bearings throughout. The Pro-110 came with a mechanical speed controller with forward and brake only. It also had two piece chrome wheels front and rear. Shortly thereafter, the Pro 110-Stage II was released. The Stage II was very similar to the Pro 110 but used an A-arm front suspension. The transmission cases were identical, rear suspension was the same, wheels and tires were the same and the general chassis layout was similar with the aluminum chassis bottom and fiberglass upper decks, though fiberglass colors seem to have varied between black and opaque green throughout the years. The transmission internals/differentials were, however, slightly different and all the gears were slightly different (pitch and diameter). As with the fiberglass colors, the nylon parts seemed to vary between white and black on both buggies throughout the years.

So, with this site being the best source for information, I was wondering if anyone could confirm, deny or add any information?

Some questions I'm curious to have answered are:
1. Was either buggy ever competitive and was either one ever spotted competing in races or in the Pro circuit?
2. The box art on the Stage II box is a hand drawn rendering and my Pro 110 box is plain white with a sticker saying it was from Sears(!). I have a copy of an article from RCCA in 1986 featuring the Pro 110 and it is yellow. Anyone know what color/paint scheme was popular on these buggies?

I've contributed photos of my buggies to this thread:

And some of the other Pro-110 related threads' links are as follows:

Hopefully those links will work properly. Sorry for all the reading. I'm just on a vintage MRP kick at the moment. :mrgreen:

Re: MRP Pro-110 and Stage II

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 7:50 am
by matt1ptkn
Bueller??? Bueller??? :lol:

Wow. I guess this means that I am the most knowledgeable when it comes to the MRP Pro-110 and Pro-110 Stage II! :roll:

Re: MRP Pro-110 and Stage II

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:19 pm
by Coelacanth
LOL Wish I could help, but I got the same response when I posted a topic asking for specific info about Optima gearing...mostly crickets chirping. :mrgreen: I ended up figuring it all out mostly by myself and granted myself a certificate of achievement. :lol:

This is a forum for RC10 expertise more than anything else, but don't be discouraged--the membership here is usually very knowledgeable about all the vintage brands of cars, and sometimes, a lack of response is better than several pages of crapformation posted by people who often don't know what they're talking about (RCtech). :roll:

Re: MRP Pro-110 and Stage II

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 3:55 pm
by matt1ptkn
My understanding of the site/forum is as exactly as you said. Though I like how you worded it. RC10Talk is, believe it or not, the best source on the net for these MRP buggies. I was just trying to pry a little more out. That's how it is with RC right, just can't leave well enough alone?

Thanks for replying. I think I will like being an expert! :lol:

Re: MRP Pro-110 and Stage II

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 10:11 pm
by matt1ptkn
I changed out the front shock towers, front wheels, front tires and whipped up a lexan rear bumper for my MRP Pro-110 Stage II. This will most likely be the best my MRP Pro-110 Stage II car will ever be (except for when it was new). It actually looks pretty darn good for being originally purchased and owned by a 12 year old. The front body mount is not original because the replica body will not reach far enough forward for the original mount. That's why I have a plastic nut just hanging out on the front of the chassis. Also, the shocks' and rear wing tubes' anodizing has been worn. I doubt I'll ever get around to addressing that since I'd probably never match the color anyway. So here are a few more pics of my MRP gang. The truck in the background is the Pro-110 Stage II that I converted into a truck many moons ago. Its still a runner, or at least will be until my stock of spare parts is diminished. :roll:

Re: MRP Pro-110 and Stage II

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 11:33 pm
by Douplas
I am glad I found this thread. I stumbled across some old RC Car's at a garage sale around the corner from my house. After closer inspection there was a Beagle (optima clone) and a MRP Pro 110. I made what I think is a good deal for the two cars, one radio, chargers, and 12 motors. After digging through the box and tub of parts I believe I have enough to build another pro 110 and still have parts left over. Here are the pictures I have so far.









I will have to take more pictures. I have multiple wheel and tire sets, two bodies that have never been mounted, suspension pieces, two sets of instructions, original decal sheet, parts lists, etc...

I am not sure what I am really going to do with these cars. If I make them into vintage runners I want to make sure I do it right so any help or guidance would be appreciated. I am a bit rusty with my RC car knowledge.

Re: MRP Pro-110 and Stage II

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 9:41 am
by matt1ptkn
Wow. :shock: I'd say that was a good deal. But I think a Pro-110 is always a good deal. :mrgreen: I always dream of finding something like this at a garage sale, but no dice. I only ever find junk. I'm not familiar with that other buggy, but if it were me, I'd be very careful about making a vintage runner of the Pro-110. Parts are extremely scarce... I'd be interested to see more photos after the cleanup. That custom rear bumper is very neat as well.

Re: MRP Pro-110 and Stage II

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 10:08 am
by Soncho Ponza
"CRAPFORMATION" is a great response. The MRP buggy is such a neat buggy...

Re: MRP Pro-110 and Stage II

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 11:24 am
by shodog
I've always been curious about these buggies. Several years ago I came a cross a NIB stage II. Kept it for a bit then sold it on to mr. Lexan. Then a few years ago I found another stage II that looks like a new built at the flea market. It's pretty much just sat in a box and haven't did anything with it. I also have a used pro110 with a broken front suspension arm that may eventually get ran.





Re: MRP Pro-110 and Stage II

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 8:10 am
by matt1ptkn
That is an interesting steering setup. How well does it work? 8) If you were not already aware and you need one, there are NOS steering bellcranks for the Pro-110 and Stage II on eBay. Just FYI.

Re: MRP Pro-110 and Stage II

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 9:19 pm
by Douplas
Finally got around to more pictures:












This Car is dusty and dirty from sitting in an Ohio basement or garage. I don't think it was ever ran as there are no marks on the chassis:


Steering set up:

Motor plate and custom motor cover (plastic):

Rear Shocks:

Rear 3/4 view

Front set up:

Another rear shot:


The Bag of parts has another gearbox, shocks, wheels, tires, wing, control arms, bearings etc.... So much I did not have time to go through tonight.

I would say I got a sweet deal for all this stuff.

Re: MRP Pro-110 and Stage II

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 12:29 am
by RichieRich
These are cool cars. It's actually one of the cars I would love to find at a garage sale or flea market. Parts are so scare though, I'd be afraid to run it. :D

Re: MRP Pro-110 and Stage II

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 7:59 am
by matt1ptkn
:shock: I cannot describe how jealous I am right now...

Re: MRP Pro-110 and Stage II

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 5:53 pm
by Douplas
I wasn't sure it was worth it so I left the garage sale the first time. Went back and I was able to strike a deal.

Re: MRP Pro-110 and Stage II

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 4:37 pm
by Douplas
Well I opendd up the bag that I posted in the other photos. the pictures speak for them selves.







Extra wing, shocks, springs, wheels, tires, control arms, axles, dog bones, screws, transmission, gears, bearings etc.....