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Status on the new XX Bulkheads

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:17 pm
by mytimac
If you have been following some of the threads in the Losi section you know I have been looking into getting the XX bulkheads made.

In October at the iHobby show I made one last effort to try and work with Losi. They informed me that all the tooling has been destroyed or repurposed for all the older Team Losi parts.

So I started to get going on new tooling for the bulkhead. I have the mostly final CAD drawings in my hands now. I have printed one off on my 3D printer and it looks good. I am ordering up one more on the high end 3D printers that are a little more accurate.

Once it is all finalized, the production on the tooling will start. But before I pull the trigger I wanted to get a feel for what people think would be a reasonable price for this part. I have an idea in my head what I will charge so as to not take decades to pay off the tooling costs. The sooner I can get it mostly paid for the sooner I can start working on other parts.

Have priced out the costs from one of the high end 3D printed kinds and it is more cost than I am looking to charge for the injection molded part.

So give me your feedback here in this thread on what you think is a reasonable price. Keep in mind, at the total production numbers I will be doing, the original price is out of the question. But it definitely will be less than half of the crazy numbers they are getting on eBay. It will be white nylon like the later versions.

If you are not a Losi owner please refrain from commenting on pricing.


Re: Status on the new XX Bulkheads

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:37 pm
by LosiXXkid

$20 - $25 wouldn't be unreasonable.

Re: Status on the new XX Bulkheads

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 2:52 pm

Re: Status on the new XX Bulkheads

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 4:19 pm
by GoMachV
X3, right now the other options are $45+

Re: Status on the new XX Bulkheads

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 8:37 pm
by aip47-2008
gomachv wrote:X3, right now the other options are $45+

Black originals have gone $70.00 :o

Re: Status on the new XX Bulkheads

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 3:53 am
by LosiXXkid
aip47-2008 wrote:
gomachv wrote:X3, right now the other options are $45+

Black originals have gone $70.00 :o
$70.00??? Ouch.....!

Re: Status on the new XX Bulkheads

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 6:39 am
by slapshot1979
$20-$25 seems resonable to us but may not bo feasable for you at that?

Re: Status on the new XX Bulkheads

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:31 am
by knixdad
$20-$25 is a nice price point.

Re: Status on the new XX Bulkheads

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 12:08 pm
by mamadoesntletme
aip47-2008 wrote:
gomachv wrote:X3, right now the other options are $45+

Black originals have gone $70.00 :o
yes :D

I`d say 20$, but I have no idea about the production cost...

Re: Status on the new XX Bulkheads

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 12:26 pm
by rc10uk
Great to see someone trying to address the XX bulkhead issue. I would say £15-18 would be a fair price for a quality, low production, custom part like this. Any chance of using the black nylon though? The white spoils the look of the XX for me. The mk1 with all black parts is still the best looking here...

Re: Status on the new XX Bulkheads

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 4:46 pm
by mytimac
rc10uk wrote:Great to see someone trying to address the XX bulkhead issue. I would say £15-18 would be a fair price for a quality, low production, custom part like this. Any chance of using the black nylon though? The white spoils the look of the XX for me. The mk1 with all black parts is still the best looking here...
It will only be in white from factory, but you can always do like I was doing before they ran out of them. I dyed them red, blue, black and purple. The black was actually a really good black when you do it right. I will most likely offer them in those colors again.

The price you guys are thinking is good. Hopefully if things go right I will be even be a little lower. There is some concern on process they will use to make the mold. One way costs a bit more than the other. i am not sure what they quoted for me originally. They didn't really specify.

So hopefully within the next week, this will be a go.
Here is a picture of the part off my printer(left) and off the high end 3d printer(right).

Oh, and not seen in the versions printed here because I asked them to add in later, is the letters ST on the nose of the piece. I wanted it to be easy to identify my version from the original so nobody can be out there trying to push mine as originals and rip people off. So even attached to a car or truck you can tell original from reproduction.

Re: Status on the new XX Bulkheads

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:08 pm
by LosiXXkid

Did you use the RIT brand to dye the parts with???

Re: Status on the new XX Bulkheads

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 2:08 pm
by mytimac
LosiXXkid wrote:Dan,

Did you use the RIT brand to dye the parts with???
Yes, I tried 2 other brands I found at a store and they didn't work well at all. Rit seems to be the best for dyes you can just get at a store. There is some industrial based ones I am talking to my plastics guy about trying. Maybe then I can get some bright yellows and pinks. Lots of them are solvent based though and really meant for use before you injection mold the parts.

Re: Status on the new XX Bulkheads

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 3:56 pm
by slapshot1979
Sounds good...

Loxixxxman The RIT dye works great on originals and as stated alove the black does come out really nice.

Re: Status on the new XX Bulkheads

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:03 pm
by DHC6
I also feel that $20ish price point is pretty good. As mentioned it's far less then what's out there now, which are also old brittle parts... Good for Shelfers, not so good for hard runners. So your parts would be nice "fresh" parts, and keep those originals for show cars!