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Advice for painting a Sand Scorcher body.

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 4:31 am
by keithrc
Hi all, as the heading says I'm after some advice for painting a Sand Scorcher body in the box art colour scheme, I've only done lexan bodies before. I've got the TS paints and putty to fill some low spots but I'm not sure if I need to sand the body before painting, and is it necessary to rub back between coats?

Thanks for any helpful advice.

Keith :wink:

Re: Advice for painting a Sand Scorcher body.

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 4:35 pm
by shodog
Here is a paint tutorial I wrote a while back. You might find it helpful

Re: Advice for painting a Sand Scorcher body.

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 5:11 pm
by RC104ever
Mask and use liquid mask a lot. Take your time - and do it in reverse of what you would think. I believe I did it all blue first, then masked it to do the white parts. Came out ok but takes a lot of time an patience. Good luck!