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Hello from South Florida

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:46 am
by TheMark
Great forum here, I've been lurking for several weeks.

I have my original gold tub that my Dad bought me back in '86... been wanting to bring her back to her former glory. I had neatly boxed up all my cars 20yrs ago like a time capsule and broke it open about a month ago. The "itch" is back.

I have been into RC most of my life, from the age of 10 until now (40). While taking a 20yr break from cars... I have been flying and building RC heli's.

Thanks to the RC10talk forum owner/mods for providing such a great resource. I hope to learn more here and possibly contribute to this great site.


Re: Hello from South Florida

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 11:29 am
by treystoys
Hey Mark!

Although I haven't heard from anyone here yet, and I just joined myself after snooping around a while. Its nice too see I'm not the only 40 year old still living his childhood years :lol:

I'm sure we'll run into each other here again.

Take care
