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Widows 8.1 won't update

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 11:08 pm
by Kyoshojoe
So after getting a virus from the RcTech by accidentally clicking on a fake java update thinking it was legit, I reloaded my OS and then upgraded from windows 8 to 8.1. To make a long story short after the upgrade my computer was not able to connect to updates, after waiting forever my comp showed me an error and after researching it I found that this was a very common problem with 8.1 users, in fact there are over 300 posts on the Microsoft help sight of peeps with the same problem. The only fix is to run a powershell module and force the comp to manually download updates. This is no small feat and requires a substantial knowledge of computers which I don't have. Microsoft is offering no fix and is basically ignoring it. My only real solution was to reload 8 and stay away from 8.1.

I wanted to post this and possibly help others avoid the headache I went through. Please be careful when upgrading to 8.1 and research it first.

Re: Widows 8.1 won't update

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 11:15 pm
by GoMachV
Every time I turn on my computer there are between one and 55 new updates. I'm confident they will fix it eventually, and then fix it again. And probably a patch to that fix

Long live Microshaft :roll:

Re: Widows 8.1 won't update

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 11:41 pm
by Phin
I switched to Linux for the first time when I built my new PC this year and I'm really enjoying the hassle free web browsing. If/when I get back into gaming I'm sure I'll build a Windows based system again but even then I'll be keeping the Linux system for 90% of my internets. <3

Re: Widows 8.1 won't update

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 1:38 am
by Lowgear
I can tell you one thing, if I wasn't in the Windows computer repair field I sure as hell wouldn't be using it.

Re: Widows 8.1 won't update

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 2:53 am
by Coelacanth
I've found that the large majority of Windows updates that fail are due to a wonky .NET Framework install. Most computers that had issues with failed updates--updates that repeatedly reinstall and then fail out with some generic error message, necessitating a reboot and roll-back to the previous, un-updated state--I've fixed by uninstalling .NET Frameworks from most recent to oldest until I get the updates working again, then reinstalling only the necessary .NET versions that were removed. Windows 7 has had tons of issues with .NET Framework v3.5.1, which isn't even supposed to be compatible for Windows 7; which started at v4.0+. But older applications might've installed that older version of .NET, and the updates for it repeatedly crap out.

Re: Widows 8.1 won't update

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 9:57 am
by soniccj5
Phin wrote:I switched to Linux for the first time when I built my new PC this year and I'm really enjoying the hassle free web browsing. If/when I get back into gaming I'm sure I'll build a Windows based system again but even then I'll be keeping the Linux system for 90% of my internets. <3
You made a good choice with Linux. What distribution are you using?

As for Windows 8.x I am ready to toss it out the window and install windows 7. My wife needs Windows for a couple applications(games mostly) which do not run on Linux.

Re: Widows 8.1 won't update

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 10:55 am
by Coelacanth
soniccj5 wrote:
Phin wrote:I switched to Linux for the first time when I built my new PC this year and I'm really enjoying the hassle free web browsing. If/when I get back into gaming I'm sure I'll build a Windows based system again but even then I'll be keeping the Linux system for 90% of my internets. <3
You made a good choice with Linux. What distribution are you using?

As for Windows 8.x I am ready to toss it out the window and install windows 7. My wife needs Windows for a couple applications(games mostly) which do not run on Linux.
Microsoft craps the bed almost every third major OS revision, almost like clockwork. Win 95 & 98 were great, then they crapped the bed with Windows ME. Win 2000 and XP were great, then they crapped the bed with Vista. Win 7 was great, then they crapped the bed with 8. 8.1 was a half-assed attempt to address the hate-on people had with 8, and it's hopeless functionality for anybody who uses a keyboard & mouse--which is much of the corporate world.

That said, their upcoming Windows to supplant the bed-crap-8.x is much-anticipated and should be great. I have no idea why Microsoft didn't just develop 2 different operating systems; one that extended on 7 for desktops and laptops, and one that was designed for tablets and touch-screen-capable netbooks.

Re: Widows 8.1 won't update

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 11:18 am
by fakiee
I'm not sure if this is your specific issue but its worth a try:

Download this:

Extract to a folder. Right click on the .ps1 file and select "run with powershell". Job done.

Personally Windows 7 has been solid as a rock for me, so never bothered to upgrade to 8.

Re: Widows 8.1 won't update

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 12:19 pm
by RichieRich
I set up a dual boot on my laptop. Windows 7 and Linux mint. Love the Linux. Its like my computer is a completely different machine.

Re: Widows 8.1 won't update

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 8:54 pm
by Phin
soniccj5 wrote:
Phin wrote:I switched to Linux for the first time when I built my new PC this year and I'm really enjoying the hassle free web browsing. If/when I get back into gaming I'm sure I'll build a Windows based system again but even then I'll be keeping the Linux system for 90% of my internets. <3
You made a good choice with Linux. What distribution are you using?
I went with Xubuntu since at the time Mint wasn't as up to date yet.
RichieRich wrote:I set up a dual boot on my laptop. Windows 7 and Linux mint. Love the Linux. Its like my computer is a completely different machine.
One of my favorite parts of the Linux switch is the boot up times compared to Windows. Since there aren't a couple of dozen background tasks, passing who knows what info to who knows who, my computer is ready to go from power on in almost no time. I had plans to buy a small SSD just for the OS but don't even really feel I need it anymore.

Re: Widows 8.1 won't update

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 9:10 pm
by Coelacanth
Startup crap isn't really Windows' fault. Manage those Systray apps, Registry RUN keys, auto-update checkers, Start > Programs > Startup shortcuts, and uninstall all the crapware & trialware that all brand-name computers come pre-loaded with, get your number of running processes down to well under 60, and any Windows computer should boot to an idle desktop in under a minute. My work PC images run about 54 processes. My personal Windows 7 computer boots up with only about 33 running processes. It boots up with a regular SATA drive in about 40 - 45 seconds.

Re: Widows 8.1 won't update

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 1:35 am
by esaresky75
Long live Macbook. :D