I added an A&L Bellcrank too. Note: While securing the suspension mounts to the chassis, the plastic felt a little stripped when tightening the screws. For added security, I installed the aluminum jam nuts to the top side. This car will be a runner so I don't want it falling apart Might be overkill, but that's okay.
I changed out the black stuff for white on the front shocks and got those installed... I know, I'm slow, but I'm at the mercy of the mailman
The collars all have a "shoulder" on them so I can't flip them over. That is why one bolt head faces the front, and the other the rear. I may trim that little lip off so I can flip the right side shock collar over and face both bolts forward... it just bugs me a little.
You can't really see it in the picture above, but I also had a busted up white front bumper on the parts car I picked up, so I trimmed all the busted stuff off and made a front skid plate for it.
looks great! The bellcrank system is a losi/rps setup, not A&L, but very good. With that bellcrank, you may need to add some washers to the outside ball on the steering arm to raise it up to remove some bumpsteer. also check the clearance on the inner ball studs on the upper links for interference. Typically you use a 'short' ball stud in those locations to prevent the interference.
jwscab wrote:looks great! The bellcrank system is a losi/rps setup, not A&L, but very good. With that bellcrank, you may need to add some washers to the outside ball on the steering arm to raise it up to remove some bumpsteer. also check the clearance on the inner ball studs on the upper links for interference. Typically you use a 'short' ball stud in those locations to prevent the interference.
Well... I got the trans all together. Replaced the Diff carbide balls cuz it was missing one, and also replaced the diff rings. For some reason, after doing the adjustments, it feels "gritty". I guess I should have replaced the thrust washers and 5/64 ball bearings too. The washers have a wear line from the ball bearings. Noticed this during assembly and hoped for the best. Oh well. Looks like it's time to order more parts
A little more work completed on the front end. Had some clearance issues with the Losi bell crank and RPM ball cups so I had to use Associated cups on the inside. No issues with bump steer tho I used Lunsford titanium turnbuckles to tie it all together.
I had an old shock tower that was trashed, so I trimmed off the ears and made a platform to mount the ESC to.
Electronics are in and hooked up. Everything appears to work as it should. All that is left is the rear axles.... trying to sort out a packaging error with MIP on the CVD's right now. Almost ready for a test drive!
Had to do a test fit on my son's black car.... just to see what the yellow JC Racing wheels looked like. I liked it, my son prefers the black ones still.
My kid got a Turbo Mirage body for his black car for Christmas. We trimmed it and fabricated a wing out of aluminum today. He also got a receiver and steering servo for it today... and everything is waterproof. I figured that would be the safe way to go for a 12 year old.