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Hello from Tennessee

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 11:07 pm
by The DC
Hey all,Stephen from TN here. I just found this place in the last few days,looked like a great place to learn more about some of the RC's I had years ago and make some new friends.

"Back in the day",I raced a bit semi-locally (meaning,there were no tracks where I lived,LOL,I'd drive up to 3 hours 1 way to race),running an RC10T2 and later an RC10T3 FT trucks,but after our 2nd kid came along in 2002,interests changed and RC rigs were sold (I had a few buggies,the above mentioned RC10T's and a Traxxas Rustler,a touring car and a pair of nitro powered monster trucks). Though I'd read the occasional issue of an RC car magazine,I didn't really get back into the hobby until February of last year when I happened across some scaler/crawler/trail truck videos on Youtube and bought my son (the youngest,the one that came along in 2002) and I a pair of Axial RTR's (his was/is an AX10 Ridgecrest,mine an SCX10 Jeep Rubicon).

Reliving memories of the past when he (son) and I were talking about that I had raced for a few years (for fun,LOL,I was never all that great :P :lol: ) got me interested in finding some of the rigs I used to own (and maybe getting back into racing,given that there are 2 trakcs that I know of in this area). Searching eBay after having sold an RC4WD trail truck (the $ was burning a hole in my pocket,LOL!),I found decent examples of the RC10T,RC10T2,RC10T3,and RC10T4 (all rollers,but 2 "brand new brushless systems" came between the lot of them) from various sellers that was close to budget,LOL,so I bought them (don't tell the Wife,shhhh :lol: ). Not being the most mechanically inclined fellow,as I go through these trucks,I hope to learn a few things.

Anyways,a bit about me/my interests. Nice to meet alla you :)

Re: Hello from Tennessee

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 11:21 pm
by romulus22
Welcome to the site. And just so you know. These old cars will burn a much bigger hole in those pockets before you know it.

Re: Hello from Tennessee

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 1:09 am
by The DC
Thanks for the welcome :) LOL,they won't be any worse than mtn biking (or even building/running trail trucks/scalers),and not as bad as the 1:1's (on the pockets) :lol: