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Bolink Super T

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:28 pm
by R Cane
Last year, in a big lot of about 18 vehicles that I traded for, one was a VERY barebones Bolink Super T roller with a body. My son loved it at first sight - and I must say, I thought it was pretty cool too)...he's been begging every time he sees it in my workshop for me to get it running. So, I had a little spare time tonight, and went ahead and did that for him.
I took out the 4 wheel bushings and replaced them with bearings, added a motor and some electronic guts, and off we went.
I didn't let him drive it much, because with the foam tires, it was pretty much crazy undriveable, especially on the hardwood and linoleum. As you can see, even on the carpet, all it wanted to do was spin out. But he loved it, so that's what counts.
I only ran it for about 5 minutes, and the motor and esc were HOT. Like, smelled like a forest fire HOT. Think I need to make some adjustments before I take it outside once spring comes along...
Sorry for the absolutely lousy video, I have the world's most POS phone.
