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I've heard of laser hair removal, laser rust removal?

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:44 pm
by flipwils11
Wow, only $275k

Lasersystem CL 500

Re: I've heard of laser hair removal, laser rust removal?

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 1:28 pm
by Halgar
What will they come up with next? I wonder how the laser fairs against the electrolysis process, as far as being non-destructive to delicate pieces. If you watch this video to the end and the screen pops up with related vids, the one in the bottom center is an Aussie that uses water and molasses, which removes the rust without disturbing the metal, which means that very delicate, thin metal details can be saved.

Re: I've heard of laser hair removal, laser rust removal?

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 2:04 pm
by Coelacanth
Very cool. That looks like a cast-iron grate or something, I wonder how that would work on sheetmetal? It looks good for removing surface rust, but the bottom line is, rust has already eaten into the metal and regardless of how it's removed, the metal may likely still have weakened. If you can push a screwdriver through a rusty sheetmetal panel, you might be able to remove the rust with laser, but you'll still be able to push a screwdriver through it.

Re: I've heard of laser hair removal, laser rust removal?

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 7:59 pm
by Diamond Dave
That is crazy! No gloves, no smoke, just nutz!

Like Halgar said, what is next? So cool...

Re: I've heard of laser hair removal, laser rust removal?

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 10:42 am
by uniquenamehere
That is awesome!

Re: I've heard of laser hair removal, laser rust removal?

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 2:08 pm
by Halgar
Coelacanth wrote:If you can push a screwdriver through a rusty sheetmetal panel, you might be able to remove the rust with laser, but you'll still be able to push a screwdriver through it.
Nothing a little Bondo can't fix! :wink: :lol: