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Hello from East Yorkshire

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 3:06 am
by wildoliver
Hi I'm Oliver, joined up ironically because I found a few non RC10 questions were being answered by this website.

So at present I have a few projects on the go, I'll start with the most relevant..

RC10 gold pan rere shelf queen - it's never going to get run but I love owning it, just need to get it finished!
RC10 worlds rere - planning to run this one, although not sure I'll be able to bring myself to do it!
A couple of Phoenix 2 buggies (rc10 B3 reres) one was what got me back in to the sport a very awesome birthday present from my fantastic gf, the other one I bought to use as a retro runner. This will get used as I'm not precious about it!
2 Schumacher Sv2s, our race buggies we don't get time to race!
A Schumacher Svr, an impulse buy as I love the SV2 but prefer rear motor.
A Schumacher Cougar 2 works I'm trying to get the bits to finish and an early Cougar I'll be getting rid of soon.
About half a dozen each Mardave Meteors and Cobras. It's become a bit of an obsession.
Tamiya Celica Gr.B. A lucky find, need more time and space to display it though!

So yes a common theme is I'm addicted to cars (full size ones are even worse) and lack the space and time to enjoy them properly!