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VONATS Class Sponsorship

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 8:35 pm
by scr8p
Erich asked if we would be interested in sponsoring one of the classes at this year's Vonats. So, I'm posting this to see if any of you guys would like to donate to the cause. I don't know if I want to post out in the open what it cost because I don't know if everyone pays the same price. What the return on investment is, I couldn't say. Other than some media coverage, probably nothing. And it's definitely nothing that will help to keep the lights on around here. It would just be something to spend money on. :lol:

So if anyone would be interested in participating, let me know.

Re: VONATS Class Sponsorship

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 11:38 pm
by RC10th
Maybe we could sell a Farmer style calendar to raise money? Who's volunteering?

Sorry, couldn't help it :lol:

Re: VONATS Class Sponsorship

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 7:27 am
by scr8p
I was hoping to get 10talk t-shirts done early last year for our 10th anniversary to help pay for a sponsorship last year. But it just never happened. Half of the artwork was completed, but decided on the main logo for the front. And then when 10talk had it's 11th anniversary, I didn't really see the need for 10th anniversary t-shirts. :lol:

I do want to have 10talk shirts done though. And hopefully have them before the race this year. :lol: