Kyosho turbo optima 14x

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Re: Kyosho turbo optima 14x

Post by Shiftykapone22 »

Well written guess I have never thought about it like that, and I totally understand the value thing as this is a hobby and isn't an investing site. I already know I am never going to be ahead on any of my rc cars haha, I always end up putting way to much money into them! Just always looking for that cool piece of history that you don't see often.

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Re: Kyosho turbo optima 14x

Post by GoMachV »

...and that is where its a perfect value. $25 for a car a lot of people have never even heard of is a great conversation piece.
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Re: Kyosho turbo optima 14x

Post by EvolutionRevolution »

The best thing about the Optima 14x might be the LeMans brushed motor...

If you want a rare but decent car, look for a Kyosho Aero Streak, which is a Kyosho Shadow with a different, Tamiya Thunder Shot-like body shell. It was sold as an Almost Ready to Run car, to which only radio gear had to be added. Comes in a nifty standard Kyosho box that could be displayed with part of the lid popped up like a store display.
Plastics used on the main chassis: it cracks quickly. Tuning options: a few, surprisingly. Upgrades possible: ball bearings, real oil shocks, universals, swing bars (provided you make those yourself; the holes are present). Value: not much. :lol:

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