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the 'back' button in browser(Chrome)

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:30 am
by jwscab
I noticed on my PC's and android phone using Chrome, when you hit the 'back' button in the browser, the little Donate bar will flash like it reloads, but the rest of the page does not. Then if you click the 'back' button again, it does what is intended. It's not really an issue, just a nuisance thing I noticed.

Re: the 'back' button in browser(Chrome)

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 1:34 pm
by Timmahhh
Same here, I need 2 clicks to go back

Re: the 'back' button in browser(Chrome)

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 3:07 pm
by mk-Zero
Yup, me too. Figured it was just something strange with my phone, but it does it on my PC as well. Weird.

Re: the 'back' button in browser(Chrome)

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 6:18 pm
by Incredible_Serious
Follow some good advice, maybe....


Re: the 'back' button in browser(Chrome)

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:30 pm
by Lowgear
The donation meter doesn't cause any problems on any device I've tried it on. I can see it being a problem though as it's something manually added to the boards code that's not supposed to be there. Things of this nature are an inherent problem caused by too much technology. It's an impossibility to have anything on the Internet that's 100% cross-platform compatible. There are just too many devices now that can access the Internet, running too many different operating systems, with too many different browsers. All these devices interpret everything a little differently. It could also be caused by an outdated version of Flash or Java or your browser or even your video card drivers. So you see... Impossible.

Now removing the donation meter coding from the bottom of the board should conceivably fix the problem but I'm afraid it will hurt donations. If it's removed, there will be no simple reference to see if the goals been met or that we even require donations at all as people will have to stumble across the dedicated donations page. I'm willing to remove the coding to see if it fixes the problem, and we'll also see how it impacts donations.

Re: the 'back' button in browser(Chrome)

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 9:20 am
by jwscab
Please don't remove the donation bar, I'm not trying to complain, I just noticed the bug and wanted to let you know. It also seems like it could be related to the ads at the top as well. I don't know much behind the coding of websites, it seems like the 'frame' of the website goes back or refreshed, but the content doesn't. I worded it funny as I was having trouble trying to explain what I saw.

Thanks for everything, the changes to this site are extremely positive!!

Re: the 'back' button in browser(Chrome)

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 9:55 am
by NomadRacer
It happened to me once or twice, like a blink or something. It was there, by the time I could say wtf it was gone. Please leave the donation meter as is!

Re: the 'back' button in browser(Chrome)

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 6:08 pm
by Lowgear
Hmmm it could be the top ad causing the issue as well. That's another thing manually added to the sites code that shouldn't really be. Luckily a different approach can be taken with that. There's an advertisement mod now available which better implements ads into the board so it doesn't have to be manually done. I have it installed on ClodTalk and it works great. I'll install it here to see if it alleviates the problem.

Re: the 'back' button in browser(Chrome)

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 1:08 am
by Lowgear
I was able to replicate the back button problem using Chrome. It's an odd little annoyance that could be caused by anything or nothing. I tried installing the advertisements mod as mentioned above to see if that would fix it but couldn't. It just gave multiple errors, and then more errors trying to get rid of it. :? Then it dawned on me that I already tried installing the mod a month ago which didn't work then either. I'll probably temporarily remove the ads manually to see if that fixes the problem. I'll also try temporarily disabling all the modifications that are installed to see if that fixes it as well. Basically this is going to be a process of elimination. Something is causing a slight compatibility issue with the Chrome browser, and it may just end up being a tail chaser.

Re: the 'back' button in browser(Chrome)

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 7:53 am
by jwscab
I wouldn't spend too much time on it. It's a little annoyance but as long as it's nothing fatal, and we know it happens, it's no big deal.

Re: the 'back' button in browser(Chrome)

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 5:48 pm
by Lowgear
It's not a big deal per se, I just tend to get a little obsessed as it bugs me knowing it's happening. I don't think it's the ads causing it, and it seems to only happen with the AcidTech theme. I think it may very well have to do with the donations bar as you suggested. I'll be temporary removing it to see if the problem resolves. Even If that fixes the problem, I'll put the bar back anyway as it's a necessary addition. At least we'll know what's causing it for future reference.

Re: the 'back' button in browser(Chrome)

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 6:27 pm
by jwscab

Re: the 'back' button in browser(Chrome)

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 7:38 pm
by mk-Zero
Thanks for working on it. But yeah, minor annoyance at worst. If I hit "back" and it doesn't do it, I just hit it again... no big deal! 8)

Re: the 'back' button in browser(Chrome)

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 2:18 am
by Lowgear
I had a chance to mess around with this, and it's due to the donor bar as surmised. After removing it, the problem went away. Once readded, the problem returned. So there you have it.

Re: the 'back' button in browser(Chrome)

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 7:30 am
by Lowgear
I moved the donations meter out of the skins coding where it isn't supposed to be, and placed it underneath the board. I'm curious to know if doing so fixed the problem?