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Happy holidays from Seattle!

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 2:19 pm
by danrighton
Hey there, Dan from Seattle here.

I consider myself fairly new to the hobby, buying what are pretty much my first hobby grade RC's at the ripe age of 44. I drooled over the Tamiyas and Team Associated buggies that friends had as a kid, but my folks couldn't afford to drop the $$$ to get me one. In all fairness, I didn't even realize they were kits at the time, and wasn't really the type of kid who would've seen one through to completion (I did trade a stack of comic books to a buddy for a Frog with a non-functional steering servo, and quickly traded it away out of frustration!).

I fell into RC by way of a yard sale about a year ago, coming up on two Traxxas Stampede 2wd trucks for a reasonable price. After pretty much going through them both completely, and getting them back on the road, I quickly found myself on the web drooling over the old buggies once again.

Long story short, I picked up my first vintage RCs in the form of a pair of Hotshots off of Craigslist shortly after the Traxxas trucks, then a Kyosho Lazer ZX, then countless Losis and Tamiyas along the way, and finally my first RC10 a couple months back. Needless to say, I'm hooked, and in almost every build I've completed, I've found my way to this site gleaning helpful info needed to finish things up. So thanks for that!

Anyways, I always have lots of questions (my first post will follow immediately after this one 8) , and will also do my best to chime in on questions from others if I have any insights to share.


Re: Happy holidays from Seattle!

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 5:43 pm
by XLR8
Hi Dan and welcome aboard.
I've pretty much been hooked on RC since my Dad and I started tinkering with planes back in the early '70's. I moved to buggies in the '80's, took a 20 year hiatus ('94 - '14) but I'm back again and, hopefully, to stay this time.
Anyway, glad to have you here and hope you'll have a safe and merry Christmas. :D

Re: Happy holidays from Seattle!

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 7:19 pm
by NomadRacer
Greetings Dan! Welcome to the family. My story is similar, drooling over RC10's as a "poor kid", finally getting into it as an old man.