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Pikeys camped in the village !

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 2:39 am
by Dadio
This may just be a UK problem , traveling caravan scum who arrive in packs , park up on any field that's possible to break into , steal everything that's not nailed down , get served with an eviction notice and stay until the last moment before their vehicles get impounded then move on leaving piles of rubbish behind , the council have to provide portable toilets or its not just rubbish they leave behind , just plain scum of the lowest kind , these are not Gypsy's , real Gypsy's were OK but have mostly settled now because of this kind of scum giving them a bad name .
They were wandering up and down my road , offered me £60 for my 3d printed Dogfighter while I was driving it in my front garden, I told them its not for sale and to be on their way , then they were hovering around a field entrance to one of the local farmers fields , I went to warn him but he was already on it , he must have stacked 40 big hay bales in the way , there's this technicality that says if they can just drive in then you have to serve an eviction notice and your stuck with them for a couple of weeks but if you can prove the broke in then they can be thrown out quicker ! The parish council who own the land they are on are busy fortifying every other bit of open ground , once evicted they often are happy to settle 100 yards down the road if they get the chance .
Makes me seethe , the Police do virtually nothing because they are so bound up in red tape , some farmers will get muck spreaders out in the fields all around if they can , just pure scum .
Rant over

Re: Pikeys camped in the village !

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 7:55 am
by RC10th

Re: Pikeys camped in the village !

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 10:38 am
by Dadio

Re: Pikeys camped in the village !

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 2:04 pm
by Coelacanth
Unfortunately everything I know about pikeys was gleaned from the movie "Snatch". :lol:

Re: Pikeys camped in the village !

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 2:11 pm
by shodog
I feel your pain. The homeless in my neighborhood are a huge problem. Cops run them out of other neighborhoods and they settle into ours. They leave garbage and steal things not bolted down. My girl caught one trying to squat in the Airbnb nextdoor

Politicians and police do nothing lest they get branded calloused to their plight. I have to work for everything I have why should they get tons of stuff for free just because their too lazy to work for it

Re: Pikeys camped in the village !

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 6:38 pm
by Dadio
These people are not thought of as homeless , I have real sympathy for people who have slipped through the cracks in the system and become lost and homeless, they need our help , these people have wads of cash ,brand new vans and very modern top of the range caravans , they get special treatment by the welfare system but they are just traveling thieves and criminals , never pay a penny in tax and when they leave the council have to send in clean up crews to tidy up ,anybody else would get done for fly tipping but not them :evil: