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Associated 05 modified

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2021 11:35 am
by helbnd1
Hey, seeing if anyone has information on this motor. It was in an rc12i I bought years ago. Thanks.

Re: Associated 05 modified

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2021 9:46 pm
by Lavigna
This one is similar. Not sure of anything more.

Re: Associated 05 modified

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2021 1:27 am
by Dadio
You see 05 on the label on many motors. Kyosho, Jerobee, Reedy. It must have a meaning? Five minute motor class?

Re: Associated 05 modified

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2021 1:50 am
by GoMachV
.05 was a rating given to the 540 class motors back in the day. I suspect it was a rough comparison of its power to a nitro engine. There were many other sizes, Astroflite for example had .035’s, .05’s, and 40’s.

Re: Associated 05 modified

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2021 5:06 am
by dinglem
Directly quoting a previous post from motor guru Mike Haswell.... '...when they ran 1/12th with gas/IC engines they couldn't exceed 0.5 size engines (most ran with 0.49) and then when electric came along that was the term coined for the motors that met with the ROAR regulations for the class as most had crossed over from gas.'

I have seen many Igarashi-based Associated Reedy modified 05 motors, but this is a cross-over label from when the early Yokomo motors were released. I have seen these in this format before, although not many. I am assuming this must have been a brief period before the Reedy labels as we now know them appeared.

Re: Associated 05 modified

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2021 6:36 am
by helbnd1
I see there's a similar motor currently on eBay, same label, but it has a black can, bearings, and adjustable timing. This one looks like the stock Yokomo motors that came in the rc10 with a different label. Might be what it is.

Re: Associated 05 modified

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2021 9:33 am
by Phin
It's no real help figuring out turns/winds, but there are 3 Reedy "Modified 05" motors listed in the Edinger Catalog:
#6505 called a Club Racer
#6510 called a Standard
#6511 called a Sprint (for dirt oval tracks)

In the Cadillac catalog #6510 is renamed to Road, and #6511 to Oval.