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Hello from the southcoast of Massachusetts

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 5:10 pm
by RC10overdose
My name is Ryan, long time lurker first time poster :D

I've had r/c since a kid like many of us and my first was a tyco turbo hopper which I still have somewhere which lead to buying a Traxxas Stampede from a classmate for 10 dollars in middle school which was around 1997, a nitro stampede from the pawn shop got the most use and I managed to get a Traxxas Rustler and kyosho red shocks from a kid on the bus for 20 bucks and a Slipknot cd in high school. My mind gets foggy when I bought a Losi XX from ebay, it had dark blue shocks which I still have but I traded that for a PS2 with fast and the furious dvd and gran turismo 2, gosh I wish I still had the buggy lol

I still have them around in a box which I plan on restoring which is much easier on the wallet then rc10' I guess it helps that most of traxxas designs for the OG cars havent changed other than the plastic color.

I mostly have Rc10 stuff on my mind nowadays and a few random HPI Rs4 sports/rally

The fleet of rc10's consist of a A stamp rc10, complete rc10T which im trying to decode, a project b2 from parts and a b3 project. I recently bought a lot pf t3 parts which had a bunch of treasure and that should help complete the above b2 b3 and two t3's, Its the little things that add up when building these things up from parts.

I should have did this many many years ago..oh well I'm here now :mrgreen:

Re: Hello from the southcoast of Massachusetts

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 7:51 pm
by Frankentruck
The kids you traded with didn't seem to place much value on their RCs.


Re: Hello from the southcoast of Massachusetts

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 11:56 pm
by JosephS
Given the retro gaming market you could likely trade that PS2 for a Losi again.

Sounds like you have a lot of projects to work though. It'll be great to see how they progress.