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Need help with project Racefoot

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 1:48 am
by animal
Whats up guys and gals.I need some help Iam looking to build a Mt for the vintage nats this year. My base is the good old blackfoot Iam remember back when i was a kid i think is was car action did a article on a race prepped blackfoot.Well i would like to find this article in fact from some of the research i have doen i think it was the april 1991 issue called home built blackfoot but iam not sure.This is wear i need some help.If you have this issue could you take some pics for me of the truck and the parts they used or even sale me the issue.I have allready started looking for some of the tranny parts from thorp and crp still makes some of the old But good stuff.So any info could help thanks chad

Re: Need help with project Racefoot

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:47 am
by highwayracer
hello Chad,

Looking at the article, it looks like the build was more "bling" vs. race ready truck. It used a lot of the CCP parts. These are essentially stock parts that were painted to look like chrome.

Below is the list of parts that were used to build the truck:
CCP Chrome Chassis
CRP Graphite Dogbones
JG Front and Rear shock towers (fiberglass)
JG Diamons spike tires
Kyosho platinum shocks (4 long)
Sees directional spoke wheels

Futaba Magnum Jr radio
Novak t1 ESC
Trinity matched scr cells
Wimpy modified motor (Gonzo)...but the pictures show a Lemans 240T

Hope this helps...


Re: Need help with project Racefoot

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:48 am
by highwayracer
Ironically, the guy that built this truck was also named Chad...

Re: Need help with project Racefoot

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:00 am
by fakiee

Re: Need help with project Racefoot

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:17 am
by highwayracer
I love what the website says...

"No bulls#*t shipping:
Zero surprises"

I guess the surprise is the price...$167 :shock: :shock:


ps...thanks for the link!!

Re: Need help with project Racefoot

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:04 pm
by mrlexan
highwayracer wrote:I guess the surprise is the price...$167 :shock: :shock:

Re: Need help with project Racefoot

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 8:49 pm
by animal
Thanks Roger on the parts list.That is funny his name was Chad.Right after i made this post I thought i would go to ebay and take a shot in the dark for this issue and all b damn there was one on there and pick it up for 25 shiped.

Maybe this one is not the article iwas thinking of.But i don't remember ever reading any other mag when i was a kid. I found another guy on rctech that has ever issue but the first one clear up ti the mid 90's.So once those come show up i will begin looking.

I have been all over the net doing research for the last day trying to see what parts i can get my hands on..And its becoming very hard to come up with some of the parts i think it will take to make the blackfoot a race truck. But then agian i think that has turn me on to this project more and more plus the blackfoot was my first truck.

Once i get some of the things togather i will start postings pics and updates as things come along.

Re: Need help with project Racefoot

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:42 am
by highwayracer
RCCA did several blackfoot articles. I'll look for the issues with the "project blackfoot" items. Those are the builds that contain all of the common hop up parts from back then.


Re: Need help with project Racefoot

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 6:07 pm
by hypertek
i have one ill bust out the scanner for you
i think back from 91

Re: Need help with project Racefoot

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:22 am
by animal
Thanks Guys for all the help.I have been all over the net looking for parts.Right now iam bidding on a sassy chassis on the bay right now i have a feeling iam going to over pay for it But its just one of those things i have to have.I have started collecting all the thorp parts i can find.And what ever CRP stuff i find whats nice about them they are still around.Once i start to get everthing in i will post the project and pics.I still have to find a donar blackfoot.I don't want to tear into my box stock one.Its just sits the on the self looking as good as the day i got it.Oh how long ago that was :D Everyday when i step foot into my hobby room it reminds me why i got into the great hobby along with my many other vintage cars i have.