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Pic of my Tamiya Staduim Blitzer

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:19 pm
by hypertek
or whats left of it .

My first rc car lol
back in 94, my older brother bought it for me with radio, charger and the guy included a Monster Beetle for i think $100..

The monster beetle had a bad gearbox and even for 94, parts where hard to find/fix it so eventually over the years i didnt care for it and scrapped pieces here and there.

I used to parking lot race the stadium blitzer.. I learned alot from that, After that truck, i moved onto the rc10 team car..
But when i was racing that stadium blitzer, I learned about ball bearings , upgraded to a green stock motor *green machine II, and a few of those other motors that where all the same green can* and esc, made a world of a difference in that thing lol.

We freaking drilled holes in teh chassis lol.. which I learn was actually common in rc10s lol.
I remember if I rolled or flipped the truck, the battery pack could come out since its not strapped in any way.