I couldn't think of any cool names having "Blue" in it, then this one just jumped out at me...it was perfect.

This build began with buying some blue anodized shock mounts and a few other parts from pargu2000...but then I realized I had more than enough parts for a second Optima build, so I negotiated a deal to ship him some of my parts for him to anodize and ship back to me. This build will use blue and hop-up parts wherever possible, to improve the strength of the original Turbo Optima.
The anodizing is done, the parts should ship next week! Here's a teaser pic. The parts I shipped to Korea were sanded with 600, 800, 1000 & 1500 grit sandpaper, then buffed with rubbing compound to prep them for the anodizing. The skidplate had a few deep scratches that I couldn't sand out, but it should still look great.