With the 4-gear MM layout, the top shaft is rotating the correct direction to drive the front 2-gear Ten4 gear box. So since the B1M has the slipper on the left side of the car, the drive belt and pulley will go on the right, no problem. Here's my first "mock up", which is me holding a timing belt gear (printed one for Ten4.1 mockups) about where it will go on a pan with a B1m transmission

I'm looking at buying pinion shaft gear blank of the appropriate spec (48P x 20T), and I'll probably shrink fit them on the shafts and/or pin them.
Obviously it will need a brand new tensioner system compared to the Ten4 too, but that's no big deal.
As with the Ten4.1, I'll probably offer a one-way front pulley with this one too. It will just be flopped compared to the Ten4 one since the belt will be on the opposite side of the car.
More to come