25 YEARS OF THE RC10 (See page 1)

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Re: 25 YEARS OF THE RC10 (See page 1)

Post by jcwrks »

Thanks for the excellent reference material.

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Re: 25 YEARS OF THE RC10 (See page 1)

Post by RC10th »

Did any Associated graphite cars ever come with narrow arms? According to this timeline the TQ10 did but the Associated offering only had wide arms.
I was old school - when old school wasn't cool !

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Re: 25 YEARS OF THE RC10 (See page 1)

Post by scr8p »

No, the rc10 graphite was the first car to use the wide track front arms. The tq10 followed suit until it was disco'd.

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Re: 25 YEARS OF THE RC10 (See page 1)

Post by RC10th »

That answers my question, thanks.
I was old school - when old school wasn't cool !

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Re: 25 YEARS OF THE RC10 (See page 1)

Post by XLR8 »

slotcarrod wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2017 3:27 am What a pain in the ass, and I now have square eyes. All pictures have been fixed and permanently placed on RC10Talk's server so they will never go as long as this forum stays alive.

Again I am sorry for the poor pictures. I will try to take new ones as time allows. I do have a late TQ10, B3 and all black Worlds, VAE has an early B4 as I don't want to build mine. So more pics are coming soon!
Thank you Mr. Littau for the amazing effort to pull this information together - again. I recently returned to RC after a 20-odd year absence and this forum has inspired me to assemble my own vintage RC collection. Your posts and others have enable me to sort through boxes of parts, to accurately identify them and determine what is missing.

" as long as this forum stays alive."

Yikes! I certainly hope that it stays alive forever. To ever loose this forum would be an epic tragedy for sure. Currently there are 85 pages of posts that, collectively, contain a world of information and a recounting of member's past experiences with the hobby that simply cannot be found anywhere else. It's like an RC encyclopedia.

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Re: THE FIRST 25 YEARS OF THE RC10 (See page 1)

Post by Rccars1- »

tommykart wrote: Thu Dec 20, 2012 4:49 am yep i got it on epay there were 38 i think. I got a futaba magnum jr radio and high speed servos that works awesome the only thing that was dyed on mine were some of the ball cups. the other bad, was diff shaft is stripped ( going to make it 4-40 thread ) still has bushings, mismatched springs, maybe they ran oval, right front bushing was toast. tires looked new only good for the shelf queen, hardened rears had flat spot and cracked from sitting.

also had a sticker that said property of Community H.S. Dist. #99 south
assigned to 10th period table 2 seat 3
68 signal and the names of the 2 people that used the buggy

as far as the screw in the top i did that way back in the day to spray some lube into the trans and the screw on the bottom of the pan i don't know, it doesn't go into the trans at all.

i got mine for about $60 but the last one went for about $90.

i got vintage novak esc , changed tires on rims(PITA!!!!!), bearings, batteries and body on the way.
battle of the 6 gears in the back yard
I know I'm late on the reply. However, I was browsing this forum and I can shed some history on the RC10CE's you guys bought in a lot... They were used by Downers Grove South High School (District 99), in Downers Grove, IL, for a technology class called "Information to Technology." I took the class, taught by Bob Ruyle. The cars were used for roughly a 10 year timespan. Each car was setup differently based on students' ideas; and yes, they were all raced on a clay oval track. The track was on campus too. I had a Losi XX at the time (personal car), and brought it in for the final exam to compete against all of the RC10's. Yep, the final was a race! Probably the coolest class I've ever taken. After I had graduated, I heard Mr Ruyle had retired ...and since then, I had always wondered what happened to those 40 RC10CE's!

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Re: 25 YEARS OF THE RC10 (See page 1)

Post by SwampRat »

I have a question! While going through my old car(early RC10CE), I noticed something I haven’t seen before. It has double “A” stamp. Yep, looks like the AB stamp, but is Aa. What does that mean?!

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Re: 25 YEARS OF THE RC10 (See page 1)

Post by GoMachV »

Double stamps were common. Literally just stamped twice. Maybe they didn’t think the first one was bold enough or maybe the hammer just struck too quick but they were done by hand and stuff like that happened
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Re: THE FIRST 25 YEARS OF THE RC10 (See page 1)

Post by duckhead »

Rccars1- wrote: Mon Dec 11, 2017 10:07 pm
tommykart wrote: Thu Dec 20, 2012 4:49 am yep i got it on epay there were 38 i think. I got a futaba magnum jr radio and high speed servos that works awesome the only thing that was dyed on mine were some of the ball cups. the other bad, was diff shaft is stripped ( going to make it 4-40 thread ) still has bushings, mismatched springs, maybe they ran oval, right front bushing was toast. tires looked new only good for the shelf queen, hardened rears had flat spot and cracked from sitting.

also had a sticker that said property of Community H.S. Dist. #99 south
assigned to 10th period table 2 seat 3
68 signal and the names of the 2 people that used the buggy

as far as the screw in the top i did that way back in the day to spray some lube into the trans and the screw on the bottom of the pan i don't know, it doesn't go into the trans at all.

i got mine for about $60 but the last one went for about $90.

i got vintage novak esc , changed tires on rims(PITA!!!!!), bearings, batteries and body on the way.
battle of the 6 gears in the back yard
I know I'm late on the reply. However, I was browsing this forum and I can shed some history on the RC10CE's you guys bought in a lot... They were used by Downers Grove South High School (District 99), in Downers Grove, IL, for a technology class called "Information to Technology." I took the class, taught by Bob Ruyle. The cars were used for roughly a 10 year timespan. Each car was setup differently based on students' ideas; and yes, they were all raced on a clay oval track. The track was on campus too. I had a Losi XX at the time (personal car), and brought it in for the final exam to compete against all of the RC10's. Yep, the final was a race! Probably the coolest class I've ever taken. After I had graduated, I heard Mr Ruyle had retired ...and since then, I had always wondered what happened to those 40 RC10CE's!
Wow, what an awesome class that must have been! I went to Lockport High School circa '87-'91 and we had a pretty great auto shop and computer club, but nothing like the class you mentioned. I know it's a bit off topic but I am curious if you raced in the Chicagoland area in the '80s/'90s? Shoot me a PM so we don't clutter this thread 8)


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Re: 25 YEARS OF THE RC10 (See page 1)

Post by TomiS »

Does anyone know if the late Graphite Team Car only come with black arms and World's Car rear bulkhead, the one with no ears? I found one but it has white arms and rear bulkhead has long ears.

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Re: 25 YEARS OF THE RC10 (See page 1)

Post by templeofspeed »

TomiS wrote: Fri Mar 09, 2018 5:07 am Does anyone know if the late Graphite Team Car only come with black arms and World's Car rear bulkhead, the one with no ears? I found one but it has white arms and rear bulkhead has long ears.
It should be a pre-Worlds long ear bulkhead with reinforced "Worlds" type white rear arms with the short 10T inner hinge pins. This is the late tapered graphite chassis, correct?

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Re: 25 YEARS OF THE RC10 (See page 1)

Post by TomiS »

templeofspeed wrote: Fri Mar 09, 2018 11:58 pm
TomiS wrote: Fri Mar 09, 2018 5:07 am Does anyone know if the late Graphite Team Car only come with black arms and World's Car rear bulkhead, the one with no ears? I found one but it has white arms and rear bulkhead has long ears.
It should be a pre-Worlds long ear bulkhead with reinforced "Worlds" type white rear arms with the short 10T inner hinge pins. This is the late tapered graphite chassis, correct?
Yes, that's the one. I found one and it has all white parts and long ears. On the first page of this thread the car has black arms and world's car bulkhead so I was just wondering if they have been swapped.

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Re: 25 YEARS OF THE RC10 (See page 1)

Post by slotcarrod »

Anything can be possible, but most likely your car was built from parts. The only way we can tell if a variant exists is from a new in box or a new built kit.

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Re: 25 YEARS OF THE RC10 (See page 1)

Post by TomiS »

That car comes with #6036 box which is correct for Team car Graphite if I'm right. But if it really never came with white arms and should have black parts like early World's car, then I need to swap them.

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Re: 25 YEARS OF THE RC10 (See page 1)

Post by vintage AE »

Rod, I should lend you my B3 Team Kit, B4 Factory Team and B4.1 Factory Team replicas to update page 1. Let me know when you want them.

Some notes on the B4.1 FT parts
ASC9581 Steering block has at least 2 versions of the part with the same part number
As seen in the AE pics on their website. If you see this type anywhere please LMK
As seen when you order it from AE

ASC9819 Motor Guard There's a mix up in the manual, which states ASC9819, but in fact it's ASC9575
As seen in manual, actual B4 part number is ASC9575
As seen on AE website when buying it. SC10 version

The other cars were straight worward
As you know, the B4.1 FT is complete now, less electronics

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