Simple. Quality then. Quality still. The Tamiyaphiles will pay astronomical amounts for stuff, but that doesn't make them better kits.Whiskers wrote:I have a simple question, and I've heard y'all talk, what makes old RC10 stuff worth so much more than that Falcon.
Garbage, huh? Then why bother, right?I don't mean to be this way, but really, it's all vintage, and it's all garbage really. If it was that great, guess what? The current RC10 would look just like the one from 1986.
Unless you haven't seen a current RC10, you should know that other than the 4 wheels and tires, they are nothing alike. And without that early gold tub RC10 from 1983, off road racing today isn't close to what it is. I can show you an original gold tub photographed next to my relatively new B4, if you like.
Hardly. Thunder Tiger has NOTHING to do with the popularity of the original RC cars or the popularity with the RC10, in general. Technology at the time in the 80s was limited as the hobby was still relatively young, and the RC10 was light years ahead of anything else made at the time, and then the Losis did the same after that. Calling the old cars garbage gives no credit to what those designs and ideas did for current technology. The cars we are discussing and collecting are 20 years old and OLDER, and deserve as much or more respect than they currently get. Just about every buggy out there today owes something to the heritage of early Tamiyas and the Associated RC10.Thanks to the sell out to Thunder Tiger, this is what has happened. Prices through the roof, because it's now "collectable" And the new stuff is going to be garbage, just like the old days. Associated/ TT is going to go into the same realm as Radio Shack toys.
Sour grapes and pissy attitudes will get you nowhere here. You're talking to a wall and will be quickly ignored and discounted with that type of attitude.