Yes, makes perfect sense. The nose doesn't sit exactly flush, because exactly as you've said; the chassis rolls up at the edge and pinch's it slightly. I could grind the edges of the nose plate to compensate, but as the chassis is thicker than the stock tub, I'd still be left with an edge. I may just create a very thin wedge, or even cut an additional plate, which will protect the whole underside of the nose plate. Plenty of options, but am not sure which route I'll take yet.jwscab wrote:How well does that aluminum nose seat inside the carbon tub? I would check very carefully that it seats flat and flush with the nose, since it looks to me like where the chassis rolls up to the sides might be a tight fit along the edge of the nose plate.
If it were mine and I was going to race it, I'd sand or file the bottom edge of the nose plate on a radius where the chassis contacts it so it doesn't chew up the composite.
Did that make sense what I'm describing?
otherwise, looks killer!